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时间:2020-03-26 09:28来源:毕业论文



Design of intelligent dense phase conveying control system 

abstract:Dense phase transport, also known as enhanced version of pneumatic conveying, the use of the power of the air flow, transport of aluminum oxide, fluoride salt and other powder materials advanced device. This device has many advantages, such as simple and clear structure, reliable operation, energy saving, operation expenses and so on. Dense phase conveying technology has already been applied to many industrial fields, such as cement, transportation, power transmission, chemical transport, mining transport, glass, etc.. Compared to ordinary pneumatic transportation, dense phase conveying compared to the powder material pneumatic conveying more safe and laborsaving, hydrostatic transmission is its advantages, compressed air consumption to amount smaller than ordinary powder material pneumatic conveying is required, is the consumption of power less than usual two thirds. 

KeyWords:Dense phase conveying;intelligent; powder material


第一章 绪论 1

 1.1 课题的研究背景目的及意义 1

 1.2 气力输送的应用及优缺点 1

 1.3 浓相输送控制的现状 2

 1.4浓相输送技术的发展趋势 3

第二章 浓相输送的理论方法 4

 2.1浓相输送的介绍 4

 2.2浓相气力输送的原理及影响因素 4

 2.3 浓相输送的特点 5

   2.3.1 浓相输送方式的分类 5

 2.4 浓相输送的输送方式 6

 2.5 浓相输送的工作原理 6

 2.6 浓相输送的工艺流程 7

 2.7 浓相输送的主要设备 7

 2.8 栓流式浓相输送技术原理 8

 2.9 浓相输送的压力容器构造 8

 2.10浓相输送的物理特性 10

   2.10.1输送物料的物理特性 10

   2.10.2浓相输送系统的压损 10

   2.10.3浓相输送的输送速度 10

第三章 设计控制系统的软件和要求 12

 3.1 浓相输送的控制要求 12

 3.2 pro/e wildfire 5.0软件介绍 12

 3.3 Pro/ENGINEER基本功能功能介绍 13

 3.4 Pro/ENGINEER使用过得功能介绍 智能化浓相输送控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_48939.html
