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时间:2020-03-26 20:53来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词: 单片机  液晶显示  乘法口诀  测试仪

Design means learning multiplication formulas based microcontroller

Abstract: Multiplication table tester based on SCM and LCD SCM can test and correct results. The scope of application can give our basic primary education technical sustain. Along with the rapid development of electronic devices for education, on the market the demand of learning machines, electronic dictionaries in teaching and testing products is growing. By using the SCM, we can learn more expertise of SCM knowledge.

On e-learning products will greatly enhance our country's level of education, and breakthrough this stage of the inherent teaching mode. The application of electronic products will stimulate primary and secondary school students to love scientific knowledge, By designing a Multiplication table tester, we will get more understanding about how to extend I extend the function of SCM, how to save the source of design, also how to make the design convenient and more rapid, in order to design more intelligent machines, and analysis the problem from various angles, in order to resolve difficulties.

The independent development of SCM and researching can bring the application of scientific knowledge to real life, and give good benefits to the community, that is the pride of our contemporary college students, also can break through the stage of our country inherent in the teaching mode. Our country is a country with a large population, also is a big education country, so only by our own research and development to meet the special needs of domestic. Design a simple Multiplication Table Tester only a small area of examples, but by the development and design we can accumulate more knowledge of the SCM for the future, but also can give more benefits for our country's children education career. 

Keywords: SCM; Liquid Crystal Display; Multiplication Table; Tester


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1.1 单片机乘法器任务与意义 1

1.2 系统设计选题的背景 基于单片机的乘法口诀学习装置的设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_48994.html
