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时间:2020-03-26 22:36来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 重载货车;轴承;制动装置性能试验;串行通信技术;液压气系统分析

Wagon bearing vibration test system design

Abstract: according to the extensive use of overloaded trucks bearing, and the problem of bearing increases, we based on the comprehensive test bed truck bearing bearing no-load and load test, the brake performance test, air spring switch test and measure the parameters of different speed and load function requirements, analysis and research, one by one and to be able to design a computer aided system, in addition, also for the hydraulic system, pneumatic system, and electric control system to carry on the design and improvement. And when designing a set of vibration test system using serial communication technology, namely to send data, accept external data, send and receive data, to cooperate with our test stand to make a whole set of truck bearing vibration test system.

Key words: heavy truck; Bearing; Brake performance test; Serial communication technology; Analysis of hydraulic system


1 绪论 1

1.1 货车机车发展背景及概况 1

1.2 振动测试技术概述 1

1.3 本课题研究意义及主要工作 2

      1.3.1 本课题研究意义 2

      1.3.2 本课题主要工作 3

2 重载货车轴承种类及振动原理分析 5

2.1 重载货车轴承种类 5

      2.1.1 重载货车轴承结构简介 5

      2.1.2国产重载货车轴承的技术现状 6

      2.1.3 试验台轴承振动方案设计 7

2.2 加载结构的确定 9

2.2.1 通过电能的方法进行测试 10

2.2.2 通过油压,气压,液压,方式的测试 10

2.2.3关于加载方式的总结 10

3 试验台振动检测系统构建 11

3.1 试验台的主要组成以及相关计算 11

      3.1.1 试验轴承相关参数的计算 11

      3.1.2 试验载荷的计算 11

      3.1.3 额定静载荷的验算 11

      3.1.4 支撑轴承的选用 12

      3.1.5 试验主轴的结构设计 12

      3.1.6 试验主轴的强度校荷 13

4 联轴器的选择方案及货车振动轴承信号的建立 货车轴承振动测试系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_49003.html
