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时间:2020-05-25 20:26来源:毕业论文







Design Of Piezoelectric Sensor On Single Chip Microcomputer   

Abstract:this project is to measure the vibration by the piezoelectric sensor, and then amplified by the amplifier circuit to produce the charge, and then by the microcontroller to control the A/D conversion, and finally show the measurement data.

Information collection and processing have become the core of the information technology, and it plays an important role in the social progress and scientific and technological innovation. Sensors as an important part of information collection and processing, is an indispensable new technology, but also the main force of the rapid development of modern science and technology. Piezoelectric acceleration sensor is a traditional and popular piezoelectric sensor, which has a great application in the acquisition of vibration signal and the acquisition of vibration signal. Has the advantages of strong anti-interference ability, small size, light weight, convenient installation and so on. Therefore, the signal acquisition and analysis of piezoelectric accelerometer is an important issue in information technology research.

The main innovation of this paper:

1, I used the piezoelectric sensor in this design. Piezoelectric sensor is a sensor based on piezoelectric effect. It is made of a sensitive element made of piezoelectric material. When the piezoelectric material is subjected to an external force, the charge will be generated. Charge in the charge amplifier and the measurement circuit amplification and then after the transform impedance can be obtained directly proportional to the power output by the external force. The piezoelectric sensor in measuring force and non electric physical quantity transform force has its own advantages. It has the advantages of light weight, high sensitivity, wide frequency band, simple structure, high signal-to-noise ratio, reliable work and so on.

2, in terms of A/D conversion, I used the XPT2046 chip XPT2046 to support the low voltage I/O interface from 1.5V to 5.25V. Operating temperature range of -40 degrees C ~ +85. With its characteristics of high speed and low power consumption, it is widely used in small devices. 51单片机的压电传感器设计+仿真电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_52807.html
