毕业论文关键词:STC89C52单片机 16×16点阵 LED显示屏
Subway Carriage Rolling Electronic Screen System Design
Abstract:Nowadays, the use rate of LED display is increasing, superstore,school,ticket announcement, the number of flights, train waiting time, etc. all of these share information by using LED display. This shows, the automatic system is an important part in the development of China’s rail transportation technology, it represent a new medium and deep in our life.
SCM(Single Chip Microcomputer) is to arrive a piece of chip the basic parts miniaturization of the calculator gathers also of SCM, price cheapness and strong of function; The LED electronics manifestation hold is along with the calculator and the related micro-electronics,photoelectrons technical fast fierce development but a kind of new information manifestation medium of the formation. This time graduation design I designed order a LED manifestation to hold to control the system according to a machine. It used a machine of STC89C52, four 8×8 of order a LED electronics manifestation to hold, and some electronics components of necessity constitute of roll over the electronics manifestation to hold the system.
Key words:SCM of STC89C52 LED's panel 16×16 dot matrix
目 录
1 绪论 5
1.3 发展趋势 8
1.4单片机的基本原理 8
2 总体设计 14
2.1 系统概述 14
3 硬件电路设计 16
3.1 整体设计框图 16
3.2 主控电路 16
3.3 LED点阵显示电路 23
3.4整体电路 25
4 软件设计 26
4.1概述 26
5 成果 32
5.1 实物展示 32
5.2 电路板调试 32
6 总结 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录1 电路原理图 36
附录2 LED点阵显示源程序 37
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究意义
城市化发展早就成为各国家的目标,而如何走向城市化的发展道路,其中轨道交通的发展占极为重要的比例。到目前为止,在世界上交通较发达的城市,轨道交通大抵都占总交通运量的50%及以上。轨道交通系统主要包括:轻轨、地下铁道、快速铁路等。轻轨是一种通常拥有路权的现代有轨电车,最高时速可达每小时200km,其运量远低于地铁。地下铁道从字面意思上看,是修筑于地下的轨道,但由于需要,有时也修筑于地上。其交通便捷,主要减轻城市交通堵塞的状况,通常是城市的主干交通方式。快速铁路具有多样的时速,它的设计是根据不同的路段的情况来决定的,而它的时速一般在轨道交通中处于中间地位。如今人们的生活质量日益提高,使人慢慢走进了低头时代。这样一个设计增加了路上一些乐趣,绚丽的色彩,使得更加人性化。 STC89C52单片机地铁车厢滚动电子屏系统设计+电路图+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_52795.html