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时间:2020-08-08 11:11来源:毕业论文




Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy in our country, the people's living standards increasing quickly, more and more people have their own private cars, and frequent traffic accidents caused by drunk driving. Drunk driving cause traffic accident was caused by the driver's high alcohol concentration in the body caused by excessive drinking, nerve paralysis, brain slow response, the symptom such as uncontrolled body. Alcohol for this, we need to design a portable measuring instrument to monitor driver's alcohol content in the body, to ensure that the driver's life and property safety. 

    This design research is a kind of gas sensor and MCU is given priority to, alcohol concentration monitoring air environment, and has the function of voice alarm and digital tube display of alcohol concentration measuring instrument air environment. It can detect the alcohol density in air environment, and according to the different environment set different threshold, the voice alarm, more than the threshold to prompt the hazards.

Keywords: Portable measuring instrument, alcohol gas sensor, microcontroller

目   录

1 绪论 4

2 便携式酒精测试仪总体设计方案 4

2.1 便携式酒精检测仪设计要求分析 4

2.2 便携式酒精测量仪设计方案 4

3 硬件设计 5

3.1 传感器的选择 5

3.2 A/D转换电路 7

3.3 STC89C52单片机系统 10

3.4 数码管显示电路 14

3.5 键盘电路 15

3.6 声光报警电路 16

4 软件设计 17

4.1 软件介绍 17

4.2 主程序流程图 17

5 测试结果与实物 18

结  论 19

参 考 文 献 20

致  谢 21

附图 22

附程序 22

1 绪论    当今中国,汽车已经进入到千家万户,驾车就会引发交通事故,这是毋庸置疑的,但若要是醉酒之后开车而引发交通事故却是种不负责任的表现,会受到舆论的谴责和法律的严惩。为此公安交通部门要加大查处力度,严格排查酒驾,发现一起查处一起,为社会的道路交通安全筑起一道钢铁长城。这背后也需要科技的支撑,交警需要用先进的仪器,快速准确的对酒驾人员做出检测,以便判断是否酒后驾驶。本设计研究的就是一款测量酒精浓度的便携式小仪器,它主要用到单片机、A/D转换器和识别酒精气体的气敏传感器。工作原理大体是这样:气敏传感器在空气中捕捉到酒精分子后会将信号传给A/D转换器,A/D转换器动作,将物理信号转成电信号,电信号被送至仪器的“大脑”(单片机),单片机会根据电信号和阈值的比较作出判断分析,最后控制其它器件的工作。本设计在实际生活中相当实用,于人于己都有利,是款值得推广的智能小仪器。 STC89C52便携式酒精测量仪设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_57877.html
