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时间:2020-09-23 20:10来源:毕业论文
基于电梯的结构和工作原理,对 5层电梯设计了基于西门子 S7-200可编程控制器设计的电梯控制系统,系统实现了电梯的指层控制、轿内与各层厅站呼梯控制、电梯运行方向控制、自动运

摘要:随着社会的发展,轿箱式升降电梯己逐步成为我们生活工作中非常重要的机电工具。作为垂直运输工具,它负担着大量的人流以及物流的输送任务,故而其作用在现代社会已经越发重要。如何提高电梯的工作性能,使电梯可以高效平稳地工作运行是电梯控制系统的重要内容。此外,人们对电梯的其他性能,比如可靠性,舒适性等,也有着越来越高的要求。最早实现电梯控制的方法是由继电器组成的顺序控制系统,目前逻辑控制已逐步被可编程逻辑控制器 PLC 代替。 本文基于电梯的结构和工作原理,对 5层电梯设计了基于西门子 S7-200可编程控制器设计的电梯控制系统,系统实现了电梯的指层控制、轿内与各层厅站呼梯控制、电梯运行方向控制、自动运行和自动开关门。以组态王为软件平台设计控制软件和上位机管理软件,实现对电梯速度和需求的自动控制;以组态王为平台设计电梯监控系统的流程界面,包括实时曲线、历史曲线等的显示,完成与 SQL Sever 数据库的连接,实现数据的存储。 56817
Design of Supervisory Control system of Four-floor Lift Based on Kingview  Abstract:With the development of society, the van elevator has become a very important tool in people's daily life and work. As a vertical transport, it has a large number of passages and the logistics of the transport task. How to improve its working performance and how the elevator can work steady are the two major problems needed to consider. In addition, some other performance of the elevator, such as comfort, low noise, low energy consumption, etc., are also needed to consider when the lift control system is designed. In general, the traditional elevator control system uses the relay logic control circuit to achieve the elevator control by the relay sequence control system. But now more and more PLCs have been replacing this kind of logic This article elaborated  the  structure  and  the working principle of  the elevator. As for the elevator of five floors,the writer design  this elevator control system  by using the system of Siemens S7-200 programmable logic controller. This system has all kinds of controls come true, such  as the control  of  register  and  cancel  the  instructions  from  the  cabin,  the control of  register  and  cancel  the  instructions  from  the  station  hall,  the control of  choose  station  and direction,  the  control  of  door  movement,the control  of  elevator  operation,the  control of  shown  layer,and so on. The control software and management software which are based on the Kingview software, achieved the automatical control of  the speed and demand of elevato.  Kingview as a platform elevator monitoring system design flow interface, includes the display of real-time curve, historical curve, completes the connection with the SQL Server, and achieve the storage of data.
Key Words:Five-floor  Elevator; Control System;  Programmable  Logic Controller; kingview 


 1  绪论  1 

1.1  课题研究背景和意义  ..  1 

1.2  课题的目的和要求  ..  2 

1.3  进度安排  ..  2 

1.4  课题的研究内容  ..  2 

2  电梯及其控制技术综述 ...  4 

2.1  电梯基本结构介绍  ..  4 

2.2  电梯控制技术  ..  5 

2.2.1  电力拖动  ..  5 

2.2.2  电气控制  ..  5  PLC基于组态王的5层电梯监控系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_61395.html
