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时间:2020-12-20 21:58来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  扭矩测量   应变式扭矩传感器  无线传输   单片机


Title    Circuit Design of Strain Torque Meter                   

Abstract Shafts with torsional deformation are very familiar in mechanical system, and the value of the torque will directly effect the system performance. Consequently, it is of vital importance for supporting the entire system normal operation to measure the torque value. 

The strain torque meter introduced in this thesis is the most common way to torque test. This thesis firstly  describes the strain torque meter’s working principle, then introduces scheme design and various components. The amplifier unit uses instrumentation amplifier AD623 to amplify the DC small signal stably. A butterworth low-pass filter is designed in the filter unit. ADC takes ICL7135, and its output is input into 80C51 single chip microcomputer(SCM) to achieve the voltage to torque conversion by software design. Signal transmission uses the 315M wireless module to achieve the wireless transmission of signal. Display unit uses the dynamic scanning display of LED digital tubes. 

Keywords  torque test   strain   wireless transmission   SCM

目   次 

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 1

1.2  本课题主要研究内容 3

2  基本原理及总体方案 4

2.1  基本原理 4

2.2  系统方案设计 7

3  硬件设计 9

3.1  应变电桥电路 9

3.2  放大电路 10

3.3  滤波电路 12

3.4  A/D转换电路 15

3.5  无线收发电路 18

3.6  供电电源电路 22

3.7  显示电路 23

4  软件设计 25

4.1  数据采集及无线发射部分软件设计 25

4.2  数据接收显示部分软件设计 27

5 电路调试及仿真 29

5.1  应变电桥调试 29

5.2  放大电路仿真调试 30

5.3  滤波电路调试 AD623应变式扭矩测试仪电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_66832.html
