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时间:2020-12-30 21:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  温度场  应力  有限元   锻件


Title  Optimization and  analysis of analysis forging based on the finite element software                     

Abstract The Thesis is based on computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided method engineering (CAE) method for the analysis and appraisal and improve of the forging of a company. Analysis process according to the basic size of the forging, then use Solidworks software to three-dimensional modeling of the forging, Then the three-dimensional model  import into  finite element analysis software called HyperWorks to finite element mesh pision, finally import the meshed model into ABAQUS Software. After the whole quenching process defined, Run the simulation to study the quenching process during quenching temperature field and stress field. Analyzed and compared, The results show that for the forging optimization is performed reasonably and effectively.

Keywords  Temperature field  Stress  FEM   Forgings


1  引言 1

1.1  有限元简介 1

1.1.1  有限元的发展趋势 1

1.1.2  有限元分析的步骤 3

1.2  HYPERMESH 软件简述 4

1.3  ABAQUS软件简介 4

2  课题研究基本理论 5

2.1  残余应力的研究 6

2.2  高强铝合金淬火残余应力的研究 6

2.2.1  7075铝合金 7

2.2.2  预防和消除高强铝合金淬火残余应力的研究 7

2.3  淬火残余应力计算 9

2.4  优化设计的数学模型 10

3  锻件模型的建立与分析 11

3.1  研究对象、目的、方法和意义 11

3.1.1  研究对象 11

3.1.2  研究的主要内容 12

3.1.3  计算过程 12

3.2  锻件模型的3D建模 16

3.2.1  利用solidworks建模 16

3.2.2  solidworks模型的输出 16

3.3  利用HYPERMESH划分网格 17

3.3.1  Solid Map 功能介绍 17

3.3.2  导入step文件 17

3.3.3  将模型切割成若干个可映射的实体 18

3.3.4  划分六面体网格 Solidworks有限元软件的锻件优化设计及分析:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_67347.html
