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时间:2021-01-16 09:52来源:毕业论文





Motion Control System Software Design and Development

Abstract:To meet the automatic production line for product marking requirements, design and development of a computer by a software-controlled automatic winding marking devices. I systematically analyzed according to the three objects, including the Party needs analysis, object properties analysis, safety analysis, control system design, including control logic, control loop control algorithm selection and justification, thus marking imitate wound means.

This paper focuses on the selected subject of market applications, and the present situation of the development of the main work, and a detailed description of the design and motion control system to be applied to the actuator commissioning software STARTER, control system analysis and system software design and in terms of product development and product selection problem extends also made the corresponding presentation, I studied to determine feasible meaningful topic.

Motion control system software design and development is actually a relatively big problem, I start from a part of it, but also want you to know the significance of this study, in fact, software is also a lot to choose from, with our professional familiar PLC but also to achieve the appropriate effect, in order to facilitate the display, herein is selected PLC programming software.

Keywords: Motion Control System; STARTER; Marking Means; Software Design; PLC

1  绪论 6

1.1 市场应用 6

1.2国内外发展现状 6

1.2.1国内激光打标的发展历程 6

1.2.2 国内激光打标的技术现状 7

1.2.3国内激光打标的市场现状 8

1.2.4国内激光打标的发展前景 8

1.3课题内容介绍 9

2 运动控制系统描述 11

2.1 系统控制分析 11

2.1.1 设备组成 11

2.1.2 控制系统设备清单 11

2.1.3 对象模型清单 11

2.1.4 设计参数 11

2.1.5 输入点 12

2.2 调试软件及硬件选型 12

2.3 对象模型描述 13

2.4系统控制分析 STARTER+PLC运动控制系统软件设计与开发+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_68299.html
