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时间:2021-03-16 22:01来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  多媒体文件管理  MFC   Windows操作系统


Title         The Development Of Multimedia File          

Title    Management System On Windows operating systems            

Abstract With the widespread use of multimedia files, the number of multimedia files on the computer is growing rapidly. How to effective organization and management of multimedia files, which has become a problem need to face.

The paper describes a method for multimedia document management system, which is based on the VC++ platform. making full use of the advantage of MFC development of visualization and high performance to create a Windows application, the system has achieved the five functions such as the file checking、the file searching、duplicate files deletion、the folders comparison and synchronization and the files batch renaming. According to the test results which meet expectations, the system is able to run well on different Windows operating systems, and completes the file searching, synchronization and other management functions.

Keywords  multimedia documents management   MFC   Windows operating systems

1  绪论 1

1. 1  课题的背景 1

1. 2  课题的目的和意义 1

1. 3  课题的主要工作 1

2  系统需求分析 3

2. 1  系统概述 3

2. 2  进行需求分析的意义 3

2. 3  系统的具体需求分析 3

2. 4  系统流程图 4

3  系统的总体设计 5

3. 1  系统的开发环境和开发工具 5

3. 2  系统功能设计流程图 6

3. 3  系统具体功能和说明 6

4  系统具体实现 8

4. 1  主框架对话框窗口实现 8

4. 2  校验对话框窗口实现 9

4. 3  查找对话框窗口实现 11

4. 4  去重对话框窗口实现 13

4. 5  比较和同步对话框窗口实现 16

4. 6  批量重命名 17

5  系统测试 20

5. 1  软件测试结果的演示 20

5. 2  不同平台软件测试的结果 25

结论 27 Windows系统多媒体文件管理系统开发:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_71688.html
