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时间:2021-03-16 22:09来源:毕业论文
开发了一种全自动的档案柜控制管理系统。系统由PLC、操作键盘和计算机组成。用户从键盘输入柜斗号, 系统控制被选择的柜斗运行到柜门口, 用户可进行资料的归档和查阅


为了提高档案管理水平, 开发了一种全自动的档案柜控制管理系统。系统由PLC、操作键盘和计算机组成。用户从键盘输入柜斗号, 系统控制被选择的柜斗运行到柜门口, 用户可进行资料的归档和查阅。

毕业论文关键词  智能档案管理系统  可移动货架  自动化  PLC


Title  Control System Design of Intelligent  File Cabinet Based on PLC                     


As the expanding of the modem enterprise industrial scale,intelligent file management system has become the most important and indispensability tache of the logistics system.Intelligent warehouse is the important part and the control center of logistics and supply chain system,and it is a good application of automation technology for logistics management.The cargo storage system,cargo acess and transfer system,control and management system,constitute the automatic storage and retrieval system,which is a perfect combined application of mechanics and electric,strong and weak current control. According to the constitution of the automation warehouse,the intelligent control theory is adopted to administrate,control and monitor the storing,removing and delivering of the cargo.Therefore,the functions of the intelligent warehouse system are optimized through the saving of storage space and delivering energy.

This paper deals with the development of an all-automatic file-cabinet control and management system, which is composed of a PLC, operation keyboard and a computer. To categorize and search for the selected files, one can enter the slected box number, and then the box can be driven to the outlet of the file cab inet for use automatically.

Keywords  intelligent file management system ; removable shelves; automation; PLC

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 方案 1

1.3 本课题的研究意义及研究目的 2

1.4 本课题的研究内容 2

1.5 本章小结 3

2 智能档案柜介绍 4

2.1 智能档案柜简介 4

2.2 功能特点 4

2.3 我国企事业档案管理的现状 4

2.4 智能档案管理系统开发设计的具体内容 5

2.5 智能档案管理系统各项功能的分析与设计 PLC智能档案柜系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_71694.html
