摘 要:太阳能热水器的广泛使用为生产生活带来了便利,但是,大部分太阳能热水器没有温度与液位显示和控制功能,使用不便且易造成水资源的浪费。为此,本文设计了一种太阳能热水器自动控制方案,实现对温度和液位的显示与控制功能。本方案主要由单片机模块、温度检测与控制模块和液位检测与控制等模块组成。用户通过按键电路设定温度和液位上、下限参数,传感器输出信号转换为数字信号后送入单片机处理,驱动执行器件和显示电路,进而实现对太阳能热水器温度和液位参数的控制与显示功能,在家庭,学校,餐饮,旅馆和企业等场所应用广泛。65379
毕业论文关键词:太阳能热水器, 单片机,温度检测与控制,液位检测与控制
Abstract: The widespread use of solar water heater has brought people’s production and life much convenience. However, most of solar water heaters are not equipped with the function of showing and controlling temperature and water level, which wastes water resource and is not convenient to use. Therefore, I designed a kind of solar water heater automatic control scheme which makes it equipped with the function of showing and controlling temperature and water level. This scheme is mainly composed of single chip microcomputer module, temperature detection and control module and a liquid level detection and control modules. Users set temperature and the parameters of the upper and lower limit through key circuit. After converted to a digital, the sensor output signal is driven into single chip. Driving device and display circuit realize the function of controlling and showing the temperature and liquid level of solar water heater. It is widely used in family, school, restaurant, hotel and enterprises.
Keywords: Solar water heater, MCU, Temperature measurement and control, Liquid level measurement and control
目 录
1 课题背景和意义 5
1.1课题背景和意义 5
1.2本课题研究内容与目标 6
2 系统总体设计 6
3 硬件设计 6
3.1 系统硬件框图 6
3.2 单片机控制系统 7
3.3 温度采集电路 9
3.4 温度控制电路 10
3.5 液位检测电路 10
3.6 液位控制电路 12
3.6.1 光电隔离器 12
3.7 显示电路模块 14
4 软件设计方案 15
4.1 温度采集、控制程序设计 17
4.2 液位检测、控制程序设计 19
4.3 按键控制程序设计 21
4.4 显示电路程序设计 23
结 论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28
1 课题背景和意义
众所周知,太阳能是一种清洁能源,和其他能源相比,具有取之不尽用之不竭的优势。传统的煤炭,石油等化石燃料资源,一方面资源数量有限,另一方面在燃烧过程将会造成严重的大气污染。在当前能源紧缺,环境污染日益严重的条件下,太阳能的利用受到了社会各界广泛的重视,长期以来,太阳能开发利用也是各国专家学者研究的重点课题。 单片机的太阳能自动控制系统设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_72980.html