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时间:2021-04-24 09:57来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  仿真计算  波纹管翅片  强化换热   


Title     Simulation of heat transfer enhancement structure               


The topic of the graduation desin is simulation of hate transfer enhancement structure.For efficient use of energy,heat transfer enhancement structure of heat exchanger has been the industry efforts in the direction.So many people had explored about this

   This topic will be mainly through computer simulation methods, respectively, of the main factors affecting the performance of the heat exchanger for discussion. Establishing a more comprehensive model of the heat exchanger structure calculation, then the finite element mesh. In the finite element software will create a geometric model with a grid settings should try to meet the heat conduction equation of the model, including boundary conditions. Then fluent based on results using c + + model has been built in different conditions of heat transfer efficiency, in order to achieve the best heat transfer structure simulation. 

Keywords  simulation  bellows fin  enhanced heat transfer



目   次

1  引言1

1.1 强化换热 1

1.2  fluent基本介绍 1

1.3  软件的二次开发  1

2  换热器概述 2

2.1  换热器应用  2

2.2  换热器的主要分类  2 

2.3  换热器强化换热技术及展望4

3  模型的建立与网格划分 6

3.1  模型的建立  6

3.2  边界定义  9 

3.3  网格划分  10

4  fluent计算  11

4.1  检查网格  11

4.2  设置单位12

4.3  设置计算参数12

4.4  迭代计算14

5  vc++的二次开发 14

5.1  参数化建模  15 

5.2  程序设计15

6  实验结果与分析 16

6.1  仿真结果分析 18

6.2  基础因素对传热的影响 18

总结 19

致谢 21

参考文献 22


1 引言

1.1  强化换热

换热器重要的温度控制装置,应用于很多领域。伴随着先进化的技术,人们对换热技术的研究也越来越深入。形成了以 CFD、模型化技术、强化传热技术及新型换热器开发等一个高技术体系。其中强化传热是国内外传热学界研究的热门课题。理论方面,我国学者过增元教授证明了减小速度矢量与温度梯度之间的夹角是强化对流换热的有效措施[1]。 fluent强化换热结构的仿真计算:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_74043.html
