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时间:2021-07-25 17:02来源:毕业论文

摘  要安全是铁道运营的首要条件,随着列车运行速度的提高,影响行车安全的因素也在增加。影响列车行车安全的因素有很多,总体分为两个方面,一是列车自身存在安全隐患,二是外因所导致的行车安全事故。这些外界因素包括自然灾害的发生、周围基础设备损坏以及异物侵入铁道限界等,其中异物入侵发生的概率最高。异物侵限监控系统是综合防灾监控系统的一个子系统,其可靠性直接影响铁路线路的行车安全。69872





毕业论文关键词:传感器  异物侵限  监控系统  

Design of Monitoring System for Foreign Body in Railway

Abstract Security is the first requirement for railway operations, and with the train speed increased, influence factors of traffic safety is also increasing. There are many factors affecting running safety. In general, factors are pided into two aspects, and first is the existence of security risks from train itselves, and second is external factors causing road accidents. The external factors include the occurrence of natural disasters, infrastructural damage, and foreign bodies around the railway gauge, in which intrusion of foreign body has the highest probability to cause train accident. Foreign body invasion monitoring system is part of the comprehensive monitoring system for disaster prevention, which directly affects the safety of railway lines. 

This design is foreign body invasion limited monitoring and control system based on dual power network sensor, using two sectors and installing with two layers of network in each sector, which improves the reliability of system. Make design for trackside controller of the internal structure, connected to sensors. The two part above together constitute a field monitoring equipment. 

Field monitoring unit is often housed in a nearby base station, consisting of four modules named monitoring module, the host module, control module and diagnostic switch module. Host module can use double-machine hot standby to improve system security. Lists the specific diagnosis of fault self-diagnosis module table can be based on fault diagnosis table. Also describes the software part of field monitoring unit. 

Next paper focuses on networking and remote control devices, first an overview of the network, then introducing data-processing equipment and software. 

Key Words: sensor  foreign body  monitoring system

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

图清单 V

表清单 VI

变量注释表 VI

1 绪论 1

1.1 选题的背景及其意义 1

1.2 国内国外异物监控的研究近况 铁路异物侵限监控系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_78925.html
