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时间:2021-10-11 20:35来源:毕业论文

摘要无线通信(Wireless Communication)是利用电磁波信号可以在自由空间中传 播的特性进行信息交换的一种通信方式,无线通信的优点是成本廉价,建设周期 短,适应性好,扩展性好,在设备维护上更容易实现,课题以无线通信作为背景 展开研究。72738

基于无线通信的列车自动语音播报系统是利用单片机与无线通信技术,研究 一种具有高度准确性的播报系统,其目的是实现在列车上进行语音播报,提示列 车上工作人员和乘客到站等情况。论文根据查阅资料介绍了无线通信的基本原理 和发展情况以及研究现状,对自动语音播报系统进行了需求分析,并根据学习到 的单片机知识和语音播报知识进行硬件设计和软件设计。硬件设计根据系统功能 分成无线通信部分、控制电路部分、语音处理部分和显示电路部分,主控制芯片 采用 STC89C52。软件设计根据系统应完成的功能分为无线通信模块,主控制模 块,语音处理模块和显示模块,设计给出了每个模块的程序流程图和对应的程序 代码,实验验证表明系统的测试结果正确可行。

该论文有图 12 幅,表 1 个,参考文献 29 篇。

毕业论文关键词: 无线通信 控制系统 信号采集 语音播报

The design of train automatic voice broadcast system based on wireless communication

Abstract Wireless communication feature is the use of electromagnetic signals can propagate in free space carried a communication way exchange of information, the advantages of wireless communication is inexpensive cost, short construction period, adaptability, scalability, and equipment maintenance on easier to implement, as a background task to expand the wireless communication research。

Based Automatic Train voice broadcast system for wireless communication is the use of single-chip wireless communication technology, research and a highly accurate broadcast system, which aims to implement voice broadcast on the train, prompting passengers and train staff on arrival, etc。 。 According to the paper introduces the basic principles of access to information as well as research and development status of wireless communications, automatic voice broadcast system needs analysis, and knowledge of broadcast hardware and software design based on knowledge and learning to the MCU voice。 According to the system design into hardware functions of the wireless communication section, the control circuit, voice processing section and a display circuit, main control chip STC89C52。 Software design should be completed according to the system functions into a wireless communication module,  main control module, voice processing module and display module design gives  the program flow chart of each module and the corresponding program code, test verification test results show that the system is properly feasible。

Key words: wireless communication control system signal acquisition voice broadcast

摘要 I

Abstract II


图清单 V

表清单 V

1 绪论 1

1。1 无线通信 1

1。2 自动语音播报系统在我国的发展现状 STC89C52单片机无线通信的列车自动语音播报系统设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_82806.html
