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时间:2021-11-03 20:31来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:恶臭气体  控制系统  系统机  PLC

Malodorous Gas Treatment Plant Control System

Abstract Development and improvement of living standards of the economy has brought many environmental problems, which undoubtedly affect the malodorous gas emissions on people's most serious。 In order to reduce the impact on people's life has brought malodorous gases, this paper designed a system for treating malodorous gas installations。 Host system using the system by the machine and lower machine PLC configuration, the PC and the choice of stable performance and strong anti-jamming system machine, the next crew used Mitsubishi FX-2N series PLC。 Configuration software to configure the monitoring system, designed various operation screens, to achieve on-site monitoring and data recording。

This design has a basic process control system malodorous gases function, easy operation, good stability, high reliability, can not only reflect the work site, the system can also ensure the accuracy of all the data, greatly reducing the associated personal contact malodorous gases the opportunity to improve the degree of automation systems for managers to build a good platform。

Keywords: Malodorous gases  Control system  System machine  PLC

目  录

摘 要 I

Abstract III

目  录 III


1 绪论 1

1。1 引言 1

1。2恶臭气体处理方法比较 1

1。3恶臭气体处理原理 2

1。4恶臭气体处理装置组成 2

1。5研究现状 4

1。6研究意义 5

2 恶臭气体处理装置方案设计 6

2。1 引言 6

2。2恶臭气体处理系统工艺流程 6

2。3系统主要控制参数 8

2。4总体方案设计 9

2。5系统机和可编程序控制器选型简介 9

2。6现场总线简介 10

2。7检测仪表和控制设备选型 10

2。8本章小结 12

3 恶臭气体处理装置硬件设计 13

3。1引言 13

3。2 PLC选型 13

3。3系统电路图设计 PLC恶臭气体处理装置控制系统设计+工艺流程图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84113.html
