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时间:2017-06-08 23:04来源:毕业论文

关键词  单片机  数字多用表  A/D转换   LCD显示
 Title    The Design of Digital Multimeter Based on 51 SCM                    
In recent decades, SCM has developed very rapidly. Now, SCM is widely used in small systems, covering many object systems (such as domestic appliance, instruments and meters, control unit, etc.), which brings great convenient for people's life and industrial control. Furthermore, low and middle-grade SCMs are far superior to those systems made by a large amount of digital integrated circuits, whether to the price, function or volume. SCM can almost be used in every electronic production, so it gains a tremendous market potential, which is beyond what people had expected. The design of meter is an important direction of SCM application. Digital meters based on SCM greatly integrate many functions with the merits as accurate testing, low failure rate and compact structure.
In this design, the digital meter is based on 80C51 SCM. First we get the value we need by measuring circuit. Because of the limit of ADC0808, we need to convert the value into a voltage value. The ADC0808 will convert it into a digital number and transmit the number to SCM. Through the data processing, we can gain the result and display it in LCD.
The digital meter in this design can be used to accurately measure voltage, current and resistance.
Keywords  SCM   DMM   A/D conversion    LCD display
目  次
1 引言    1
1.1 数字多用表的发展现状    1
1.2 本课题的任务    1
2 数字多用表方案设计    2
2.1 数字多用表工作原理    2
2.2 数字多用表硬件电路设计    2
2.3 仿真软件Proteus简介    16
3 数字多用表软件设计    17
3.1 键盘选择模块    18
3.2 A/D转换模块    19
3.3 电阻测量数据处理模块    19
3.4 电压测量数据处理模块    20
3.5 电流测量数据处理模块    21
3.6 LCD显示模块    22
4 结果分析    24
4.1 电阻测量结果分析    24
4.2 电压测量结果分析    25
4.3 电流测量结果分析    26
5 结束语    28
结 论    29
致 谢    30
参 考 文 献    31
1 引言
1.1 数字多用表的发展现状 基于51单片机数字多用表的设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_8803.html