摘 要从传统意义上来看,人们出行的方式较为单一化。近年来,人们物质生活水平有所提高,出行的方式也更加的多元化,然而伴随其而来的大气污染问题和人们身体素质整体下降问题也越来越受更多人的关注。为了保护地球这个大家园,相关部门呼吁大众保护环境,绿色出行,目前,这一理念在人们心里已经根深蒂固。在生活中,自行车的角色已不仅是代步工具,更多的是用来健身。近年来自行车的种类和配置也有了很大的发展,自行车速度里程表可以精确的记录骑行的时间、速度以及公里数,非常符合广大群众的口味。因此,本设计将深入探究的课题是自行车速度里程表的设计。该系统以 MCU为核心,通过霍尔元件Hall components将所测出来的转速转为脉冲信号,然后MCU处理传输过来的信号,最终测算出自行车的骑行速度、里程数并在LCD上显示出来,且超速报警。该系统的硬件电路设计比较容易,软件设计以模块化形式进行编码,更加的简单而且容易理解。77368
The Design of Bicycle Speed Odometer Based on Microcontroller
Abstract From the traditional point of view, it is a single vehicle。 In recent years, with the people's living standards improved and means of transport more persified, Air pollution problem is getting worse, it is the overall decline in physical fitness, which caused people heat their strong concern。 In order to protect this planet homeland, the government advocate to protect the environment and green travel, the concept has been deeply rooted in people's hearts。 In the life, the role of the bicycle is not only a means of transport, more used to exercise。 In recent years, bicycle types and configurations has been greatly developed, the speed of the bicycle odometer riding can accurately record the time, speed and the number of kilometers, loved by the masses。 Therefore, the design will delve into the subject of bicycle speed odometer design。 MCU is the core of this system, Hall components will be convert speed to pulse signal, then MCU deal with signals。 Finally, LCD displays the bicycle riding speed, mileage。 If faster than the reserve value, the buzzer rings。 The hardware design of the system is relatively easy, in the form of software encoded in a modular design, a more simple and easy to understand。
The paper has 16 figures and 16 references。
Key Words: Mileage Speed Hall components Single chip microcomputer LCD
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
图清单 V
1 绪论 1
1。1课题研究的目标与意义 1
1。3研究的任务与内容 2
2系统的总体设计 3
2。1系统总体设计思路 3
2。2系统框图 3
2。3速度测量原理 4
2。4显示模块的选择 4
2。5传感器的选择 4
3系统硬件电路的设计 6
3。1系统的总电路图 6
3。2 STC89C52的介绍 6