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时间:2022-02-08 14:02来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:电梯  AT89C51  proteus  汇编语言

Microcontrollers Based Intelligent Elevator in High-rise Residential Building

Abstract Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has been developing rapidly。Today, with the further development of China's urbanization, high-rise buildings are appeared in the cities。 Elevator to its fast, efficient, convenient and other advantages of the formal entry into the people's line of sight, is widely used in hotels, office buildings, residential buildings and other places, and as an indispensable means of transport tools, by the public praise。

In this paper, based on the MCU AT89C51 as the core control element, the assembly language is the basic programming language, and a four layer elevator control system is designed。Among them,the hardware part mainly by the microcontroller minimum system module, elevator internal and external key control module, digital tube display the current floor module, a light emitting diode display the destination floor module, elevator door opening and closing and uplink and downlink simulation display module and alarm display module and so on several aspects。Software part is written by assembly language program in keil software , and through the Proteus Software to carry out simulation and debugging。This design has realized the basic function of the elevator in daily life。

This paper has 18 pictures and a TABLE, with 26 references。

Key Word:elevator  AT89C51  proteus  assembly language

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

1 绪论 1

1。1  设计背景及意义 1

1。2  电梯系统的设计内容 2

2 设计方案 4

2。1  电梯控制系统的工作原理 4

2。2  电梯控制系统的总体方案设计 4

2。3  系统硬件的选择 5

2。4  设计软件的使用 5

2。5  本章小结 7

3 系统的硬件设计 8

3。1  单片机最小系统模块的设计 8

3。2  电动机正反转控制模块的设计 13

3。3  按键控制模块的设计 14

3。4  LCD显示器显示模块的设计 AT89C51单片机控制的多层住宅楼智能电梯设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_89326.html
