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时间:2022-02-08 14:05来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:智能电能表  单片机STC89c52  ADE7755  阶梯计价

Intelligent single-phase watt-hour meter design based on single chip microcomputer 

Abstract The role of watt-hour meter in the power grid is energy metering terminals。In order to promote the construction of smart grid, the state grid has issued a series of single-phase intelligent watt-hour meter specifications and standards。According to the functional and performance requirements for single-phase intelligent watt-hour meter, in this paper, the intelligent single-phase watt-hour meter in detail in this paper。In the process of paper to complete, mainly for the following:Introduces in detail the main performance and single phase intelligent electric meter functions, in accordance with the functional design of hardware and software scheme of single phase intelligent electric meter。Hardware circuit design focuses on sampling circuit (ADE7755) module, power module, central processing (microcontroller STC89c52) module key modules and the key to its application such as chips。Software introduced software design of overall structure, and according to the hardware circuit, write software program。In debugging stage, debugging the software and hardware modules, write test program to verify the availability of the system, and finally to make the system prototype。Achieve the function of the single-phase intelligent watt-hour meter event record。 Lays a foundation for their further study。

Test and actual application shows that the design of single-phase ladder denominated in intelligent watt-hour meter, has the stable work, reliable performance, the precision of measurement, meeting its design requirements, and will have broad prospect of application。

The paper has table 4 and figure 18, 20 references。

Key words: Intelligent watt-hour meter  Microcontroller STC89c52  ADE7755  Ladder pricing

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

图清单 V

表清单 V

1 绪论 1

1。1智能电表系统的发展历史 1

1。2 课题研究的背景及意义 1

1。3 设计研究的内容 2

2 智能电表相关原理和系统简介 3

2。1智能电表相关参数 STC89c52单片机单相智能电能表设计+PCB电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_89327.html
