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时间:2022-02-21 23:43来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With resources of the coal, oil, petroleum and natural gas in the world gradually being exhausted, it has become the aim of scientific community to seek clean and efficient new energy。 Independent solar photovoltaic generation with clean and safe characteristics attracts more attention by more and more people。 In this paper, an independent solar photovoltaic generation system consist of a solar panel module, Solar panel components, charge and discharge controller, battery, inverter, AC/DC loading modules is designed。 The solar panel receives the sunlight, and converts the solar energy into electric energy, which charges the battery through the charge and discharge controller。 The current and voltage can be detected automatically by the detection circuit of the controller, and the current can be changed by using PWM modulation to achieve a constant maximum power input and output。 The alarm triggering and cut-off protection can also be realized by the controller。 The controller can directly power the DC load, or power the AC load by a DC to AC inverter for。 The design can meet the demand of power supply with low power AC and DC load, and it has a certain value of popularization and application。

Keywords: solar photovoltaic generation, charge and discharge controller, auto-measurement, PWM modulation

目   录

1 绪论 4

1。1 课题的研究背景 4

1。2 本课题国内外研究现状 5

1。3 本课题研究的意义 6

1。4 本课题的研究内容 7

2 系统的硬件设计 7

2。1 独立太阳能光伏发电系统的总体硬件构成 7

2。2 太阳能电池板组件 8

2。3充放电控制器的设计 14

2。3。2 充、放电控制检测回路 16

2。4 蓄电池、逆变器的选择 19

3 系统的软件设计 19

3。1 系统软件设计的整体简介 19

3。2 系统软件设计的具体介绍 20

结  论 23

参 考 文 献 24

致  谢 25

附件一:控制器参数 26

附件二:控制器硬件原理图 27

附件三:独立太阳能光伏发电系统实物图 独立太阳能光伏发电系统的设计+PCB电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_90051.html
