摘 要:温度和湿度是人们日常生活中极其重要的环境参数,与人们的生活息息相关,在生活的各个领域,都需要对周围的环境温度和湿度进行精确的测量,因此,对于温湿度测量装置的研究是十分必要的。
Abstract:Temperature and humidity is an important environment in People's Daily life and its parameters, is closely related to people's life, in all areas of life, need to be on the surrounding environment of temperature and humidity accurately measure, therefore, the research for temperature and humidity measurement device is quite necessary。
The traditional temperature and humidity measurement is done purely human, time consuming and inefficient。 Paper designed a simple digital temperature and humidity meter, the temperature and humidity meter is mainly composed of SHT15 temperature and humidity sensors, AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer and LCD128*64 LCD, SHT15 output is a digital signal, can be directly connected to the single-chip computer, and collecting data show on the display。 To test and verify the correctness of design of the introduction of Proteus and Medwin for joint debugging software, to simulate the real running condition。 The design can be in many places in life for temperature and humidity measurement, with high accuracy, the efficiency high characteristic, has brought great convenience to people's production and life。
Keywords:Temperature and humidity sensor, single-chip computer, liquid crystal displays
目 录
1 前言 3
1。1 设计的内容 3
1。2 设计的原则 3
1。3 设计应该具有的功能 4
2 硬件设计 4
2。1 信息采集模块 5
2。2 单片机的选用 10
2。3 液晶显示器的选用 15
2。4 键盘设置电路以及报警电路的设计 22
2。5 系统整体的电路设计 23
3 软件设计 24
3。1 软件设计 24
3。2 温度测量程序 24
3。3 温度测量程序 24
4 仿真与调试 27
结论 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30
1 前言
该设计通过温湿度传感器引入环境信息,并转化为数字信息,为微电脑所采集,并通过适当的方式可以通过液晶显示器显示出来。极大的方便了人们日常生活、工业生产中对于温度以及湿度的测量,大大的提高了温度、湿度测量的准确度,不仅为人们的生活带来了便利,还提高了人们对于微电子技术的使用水平。该设计基于上述理念出发,应用AT89C51单片机丰富的I/O接口和数据的采集、处理功能,实现将由传感器转化来的数字量环境信息输入到单片机中,通过微处理器的分析处理给出相应的结果,输出到显示电路。通过液晶显示器显示实时的温湿度,使人们能及时了解周围环境参数的变化,并根据相应的环境参数,作出合理的应对措施,比如:温度下降了要加衣服,温度上升了要适当的减衣服,提高了人们生活的舒适度。论文网 AT89C51单片机的温湿度计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_91121.html