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时间:2022-04-23 16:57来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词 PM2。5 监测仪 传感器 单片机 污染程度


Title  The Design of The Environmental Monitor Counting PM2。5               


Abstract With the hot spread of "under the sky" on the internet in 2015。As a result,more and more people have a deep understanding of PM2。5 which invisible and untouchable but may do great harm to our health,people have a great fear of feeling for these tiny particles。So how to monitorthe PM2。5 accurately has received widespread attention, especially the monitor which is convenient to carry and support staff get accurate data of air quality through a simple and convenient operation。Inventing a instrument mentioned above is not so difficultin nowaday society that integrated circuit chip technology is highly developed and mature。 There are countless successful examples for combinating the SCM with a variety of sensor to create a high precision test equipment。In order to acchive the design of monitor,we need to choose the right type of single chip,and the dust sensor and SCM related technologies, design suitably。In order to achieve analog acquisition of the concentration of PM2。5。Then through the AD conversion technology,make it into digital quantity。After a series of chip processing calculation with big data online, displayed on the LCD finally。A precise measuring instrument not only can provide a way that people can judge of the environmentquality around easily。Then people can select more livable place,but also remind the human improving the environment and the importance of balancing between the development and the environment,so it has a positive effect on the environment。

Keywords PM2。5  monitor  sensor  SCM  the degree of pollution

目   次

1  引言 1

1。1  课题意义 1

1。2  监测仪通常采用的监测原理 1

系统硬件部分设计 4

2。1  硬件总体设计 4

2。2  系统采用的主要芯片及对应模块 4

软件部分 PM2.5环境监测仪设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93050.html
