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时间:2022-04-30 22:18来源:毕业论文



Design of Car Power System for Railway Wagons

Abstract: It is well known that railway wagons are different from other railway locomotives and coaches。 Freight trains are basically independent of each car in order to disassemble and assemble, thus resulting in the inability to install a power supply for the entire compartment。 Railway wagons are also difficult to install on-line car monitoring equipment because of the lack of vehicle power supply。 Therefore, the research on the power supply of railway wagons has an important role in improving the safety of railway wagons。 In this paper, the existing and possibly several major railway trains car power supply technology were compared and found that the current railway trains car power supply technology is basically in the prototype experimental stage, and no one had been applied to the actual cars。 In this kind of power supply technology, this paper draws the conclusion that the application of wind power and vibration power generation technology in railway trains is feasible。 Therefore, this paper presents a vibration power generation technology and Halbach array combined with the car power supply program, hoping to contribute to the development of railway wagon’s car power supply technology。

KeyWords: railway wagon; independent power supply; car power supply

目 录

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的目的与意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 本文的主要工作与内容 3

1。4 本章小结 4

2 铁路货车车载供电方式 5

2。1 铁路货车车载供电方式简介 5

2。2 铁路货车车载供电方式研究现状对比 6

2。3 小结 11

3 铁路货车车载电源设计要求 12

3。1 发电方案设计要求 12

3。2 发电机简介 12

3。3 发电机的设计 17

4 铁路货车车载电源系统设计方案 19

4。1 转K5转向架 19

4。2 主要振动来源分析 21

4。3 发电机布置与安装位置 21

4。4 电能的储能系统 23

5 结论与展望 25

致  谢 26

参考文献 27

1 绪论 铁路货车车载电源系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93289.html
