摘要石油、煤炭、天然气并称“世界三大能源”,近年来环境污染愈发严重,而 天然气作为高效清洁的高热能燃料,越来越受到人们的重视与开发利用。液化天 然气(简称为 LNG)有较高的储存效率,运输很是方便。LNG 气化器是输送液 化天然气的重要设备,而浸没式燃烧型气化器(简称 SCV 气化器)具有构造紧 凑,节省空间,换热效率高,排烟温度低,节省能源等优点。SCV 气化器的烟 气经过水浴排出,极大地降低了产物中氮氧化物排放到大气中的浓度,从而大大 减少了大气污染。81367
本论文利用 FLUENT 6。3 软件对 SCV 气化器燃烧产生的火焰进行仿真模拟, 对燃烧室中的温度分布图、CO2 浓度分布图、H2O 浓度分布图以及 NOX 浓度分 布图进行了细致地分析,互相联系,从而确认几者之间的关系。对燃烧室出口截 面处的温度、CO2 平均质量分数、H2O 的平均质量分数、NOX 平均质量分数以及 能量输出与过量空气系数 α 的大小关系进行了详细计算与分析。
本文通过 FLUENT 6。3 软件对 SCV 气化器火焰仿真模拟,经过综合计算, 对 NOX 和 CO2 浓度的详细分析,以及对本型号的 SCV 气化器的输出功率计算, 可以得出,在过量空气系数 α=1。2 时,NOX 和 CO2 浓度为最佳效果,而 SCV 气 化器的输出功率也可以达到最佳。
通过本次对 SCV 气化器燃烧火焰的仿真计算及其结果分析,为以后学者对 这方面的研究做了一定的铺垫,也让以后的研究又有相应的参考。
毕业论文关键词:SCV 气化器;FLUENT 软件;火焰模拟分析
Abstract Oil, coal and natural gas are the most important kinds of energy in the world。 In recent years, environmental pollution has become increasingly serious。 Meanwhile, the natural gas as a fuel efficient and clean high heat, has been more and more attention with the development and utilization。 Liquefied natural gas(LNG)has high storage efficiency and convenient transportation。 It is an important device equipment for LNG vaporizer to transport the liquefied natural gas。 Submerged combustion vaporizer(SCV vaporizer)has several advantages of compact structure, saving a space and energy, high thermal efficiency, low exhaust smoke temperature。 Exhaust smoke discharges after bath from SCV vaporizer, which greatly reduces the concentration of nitrogen oxide emissions to the atmosphere in the product, so as to greatly reduce the air pollution。
This paper uses FLUENT software for SCV vaporizer flames from the burning of combustor to operate a simulation, which detailedly analyzes the temperature nephogram and concentration of H2O and CO2 nephogram and concentration of NOX nephogram in the combustion chamber, contacting with each other in order to confirm the relationship。 It is detailedly calculated and analyzed for the relationship between average temperature, average mass fraction of CO2, H2O, NOX ,energyoutput and the air excessive coefficient α in the combustion chamber exit。
Based on FLUENT software for simulation to SCV vaporizer burning flame, we can draw a conclusion after a comprehensive calculation and detailed analysis for CO2 and NOX concentration and energyoutput, which is to α=1。2 making CO2 and NOX concentration and RMS of SCV obtain excellent results。
Keyword: SCV vaporizer; FLUENT software; Flame simulation analysis
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 引言 1
1。2。1 国外现状 2
1。2。2 国内现状 FLUENT的LNG燃烧器燃烧火焰及排放特性仿真模拟:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_95061.html