摘要随着近年来各类恐怖事件的不断发生, 安全成为维持国家稳定的首要问题。在我国虽然枪支管理严格,很少出现枪击事件,但匕首等刀类凶器对公民安全有很大的威胁,使得防刀防刺类材料成为人们的迫切需求。旧的防刺材料由于笨重、不灵活而慢慢被淘汰,如何研发出穿着舒适、防护面积大的柔性防护服成为当前热点。87805
毕业论文关键词 剪切增稠液体 二氧化硅接枝改性 动态防刺 复合织物
Title Surface modification of dispersing phase particles and the effect on the stab resistant performance of STF/UHMWPE composites
Abstract 。 As the continuous occurence of terrorist incidents in recent years, security has become the primary problem in maintaining national stablity。 Due to strict gun control, shooting incident rarely happens in China, but knife still remains to be a great threat to the security of Chinese citizens。 As a result, developing anti-stab materials has become an urgent need。 Old-fashioned anti-stab materials have been gradually abandoned, because they are heavy and inflexible。 Meanwhile, the development of new protective suit which is comfortable to wear and provide bigger protection area has become a hotspot in material science。
The silica particle was prepared by improved Stober method in this project 。The particle size and the phase were tested by SEM,and the XRD and FT-IR。UHMWPE fabric and STF which was diluted by ethanol are composited though static immersion method。 Basing on existing research, this project places focus on grafting modification of dispersant SiO2。 anti-stab tests of composite protective materials。 STF/UHMWPE composite protective material was prepared by static impregnation method, and Stab resistant performance was tested by dynamic puncture test。
According to the results, after PEG200 grafting, the dispersibility of SiO2 has been improved; compared with plain fabric and STF composite fabric, the anti-stab performance of STF-UHMWPE composite fabric made of PEG-SiO2 has been significantly improved。
Keywords STF 、Graft-modified silica、Composite fabric、Dynamic stab resistant
目 次
1 引言1
1。2 剪切增稠流体简介1
1。4国内外研究进展6源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766
2 实验部分9
2。4 STF的制备11
2。5 STF/UHMWPE复合材料的制备11
3。2 沉降试验分析18
3。3 动态穿刺实验数据与结论19
结论 27
致谢 28
1 引言 分散相颗粒的表面改性及其对STF/UHMWPE柔性复合材料防刺性能的影响:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_146258.html