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时间:2023-03-12 10:55来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词  纤维增韧硅酸盐壳层陶粒   水热合成   复合硬质材料   轻集料混凝土


Title    Preparation of steel fibre reinforcing shell-ceramsite   and research of Its performance                                                                   

Abstract Steel fibre was firstly used to reinforce shell-ceramsite and high performance shell-ceramsite with huge potential application and social effect was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis under the condition of(187℃,1MPa) saturated steam。

Firstly,wasted  aerated concrete(WAC) was vastly utilized on the progress of ceramsite prepatation,which can remarkably mitigate pollution caused construction waste;secondly,energy consumption is enormously reduced;finally,high strength ceramsite with the cylinder compressive strength of 33。5MPa was prepared,which far exceeds 17MPa ever reported,provides a possibility to prepare high-grade lightweight aggergate concrete such as CL70 and CL80。

Different fibre mixing amount from 0 to 3。0% ceramsite were studied。It shows that the cylinder compressive strength(CCS) of ceramsite is remarkably improved with the increase of fibre mixing amount。Raw material compositions were silicate(fly ash), calcium(cement or lime),quartz and steel fibre(Q1-80)。When the Ca/Si ratio was 0。7,CCS was up to 33。5MPa。When the Ca/Si ratio was 0。73 and WAC was additive

with the amount of 35%,CCS was from 12MPa to 24MPa with the change of fibre mixing amount。

Mixing ceramsite was used to prepare CL30-CL80 concrete and WAC-1。5% ceramsite was utilized to prepare CL40-CL80 concrete,28d compressive strength of all grade lightweight aggregae were meet requirement but CL80。

Keywords   fibre reinforce silicate shell-ceramsite   hydrothermal synthesis

 composite hard material   lightweight aggregate concrete

目   次

1 引言  1

2  实验原材料及测定方法   4 纤维增韧高强陶粒的制备与性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_147867.html
