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时间:2024-05-21 21:08来源:95440
pH 对燃料电池双极板用高氮钢钝化行为的影响。通过采用电化学工作站测试电位极化的情况,EIS阻抗测试,Mott-Schottky曲线,来测试燃料电池用高氮钢在pH为1、2、3、5的质子交换膜燃料电




abstract:Stainless steel is a metal which is widely used in fuel cells. Stainless steel due to the steel by adding the internal chromium, nickel, molybdenum and other elements, making the original corrosion resistance of the steel produced a significant increase. However, in the production of stainless steel, it need to use a lot of nickel and other precious metals, and the world's nickel production is not enough to support a large number of modern stainless steel consumption. Adding nitrogen in the stainless steel can make the performance and strength of stainless steel been greatly improved.

In this experiment, the use of electrochemical workstation test potential polarization, EIS impedance test, Mott-Schottky curve, to test the fuel cell with high nitrogen steel at pH 1,2,3,5 proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) Electrochemical Behavior and Passivation Film Properties of High Nitrogen Steel in Simulated Corrosive Environment. It was found that with the increase of pH value, the passivation film increased the passivation potential and the passivation current density decreased, and the resistance of the passivation film increased with the increase of pH value. Through XPS analysis, we can analyze the material structure of the surface of the passivation film, with the decrease of pH value, the surface oxide of the high nitrogen steel is obviously increased, which indicates that a large amount of oxide will be produced in the acidic solution. Nitrogen in the stainless steel can effectively improve the corrosion resistance, is a very good addition of stainless steel elements, high nitrogen steel as a substitute for ordinary stainless steel, has a good use and promotion prospects.

Keywords: Fuel cell; high nitrogen steel; passivation film; pH value; electrochemical test



abstract II

第一章绪论 1

1.1本课题的实验背景 1

1.2燃料电池的现状与发展 1

1.2.1燃料电池的发展背景 1

1.2.2燃料电池的分类及发展 2

1.2.3燃料电池的工作原理 2

1.2.4燃料电池性能比较 4

1.3高氮钢的发展情况 4

1.4pH对金属双极板的影响 pH对燃料电池双极板用高氮钢钝化行为的影响:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_203937.html
