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时间:2024-05-09 22:00来源:95333
V3: Gas Block Blow Off Valve V4: Window /Gas Shutdown Valve V5: Gas Block Purge Valve Inert Gas System V6: Inert Gas Supply Valve V9: Inert Gas Block Valve 2. Abbreviations GI-ECS Gas Injection Engine

V3: Gas Block Blow Off Valve

V4: Window /Gas Shutdown Valve

V5: Gas Block Purge Valve Inert Gas System

V6: Inert Gas Supply Valve

V9: Inert Gas Block Valve

2. Abbreviations

GI-ECS Gas Injection – Engine Control System

ME-ECS Electronically Controlled Engine – Engine Control System

GMOP Gas Main Operating Panel

GPCU Gas Plant Control Unit

GECU Gas Engine Control Unit

GCCU Gas Cylinder Control Unit

GPSU Gas Plant Safety Unit

GCSU Gas Cylinder Safety Unit

Gas Shutdown Immediately stop of gas injection

– continued operation on fuel oil.

Handled by Gas Safety System

(Followed by a gas blow off and an inert gas purging sequence)

Gas Stop Normal changeover from gas mode to fuel oil mode

– continued operation on fuel oil.

Handled by Gas Control System

(Followed by a gas blow off and a inert gas purging sequence)

Info no. Sub category Ident. no.

3092815 - 7


Dual Fuel Operation Page no.

4 (28)

Date Des. Chk. Appd. A. C. Change/replacement C. no.

2011-03-16 JAB JAB ER Document transferred to template. 0

ELWI Electrical Window and Gas Shutdown valve (pilot valve)

ELGI Electrical Gas injection valve (pilot valve)

GI valve Gas injection valve

HC Sensor Hydro Carbon Sensor

ME Engine The Electronically Controlled Engine - excluding the gas system.

FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis

P&I Process and Instrumentation diagram

TDC Top Dead Center

Gas Train Double block and bleed valves

ATEX Atmosphere EXplosive

Info no. Sub category Ident. no.

3092815 - 7


Dual Fuel Operation Page no.

5 (28)

Date Des. Chk. Appd. A. C. Change/replacement C. no.

2011-03-16 JAB JAB ER Document transferred to template. 发动机双燃料控制系统英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_203731.html
