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时间:2023-03-02 22:31来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  国际投资条约  环境规则  适用  完善

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title Study on Environmental Regulations in International Investment Treaties

Abstract In the 21th century, the conflict between international investment and environmental protection is becoming more and more serious, making us realize that it’s significant to coordinate the relationship between international investment protection and environmental protection。 To achieve the goal of sustainable development, the international investment treaties begin to include the factors of environment protection rules in different degree。 However, the application of environmental rules encounters difficulties。 Firstly, the scope of its application is uncertain。 Secondly, numerous investors boycott instruments for environmental regulation。 What’s more, these instruments cannot gain support through dispute settlement mechanism。 Analyzing from the perspective of the texts, the setting of environmental rules has defects in integrity and clarity。 Through study of the practice of international investment arbitration, there is some doubt about self-consistency of environmental rules in international investment agreements。 Also, environmental rules lack mandatory enforcement。 Considering the necessity and importance of environmental rules in international investment activities, it’s essential to further improve environmental rules。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

Keywords  international investment treaties   environmental rules   application  improvement 

目   次

1  前言 1

2  国际投资条约中环境规则的文本规范 2

2。1国际投资条约中环境规则的文本模式 2

2。2国际投资条约中环境规则的规范内容 3

3国际投资条约中环境规则的适用困境 5

3。1国际投资条约中环境规则适用困境的表现 5

3。1。1模糊待定的适用范围 5

3。1。2不尽如意的适用结果 5

3。2国际投资条约中环境规则适用困境的原因 6

3。2。1国际投资条约中纳入环境规则的自洽性存疑 7

3。2。2国际投资条约中环境规则的强制性缺失 8

4  国际投资条约中环境规则的完善 10

4。1国际投资条约中环境规则完善的必要性 10

4。1。1国际投资条约缔约主体的角色转换 10

4。1。2国际环境保护法律制度的实质发展 11

4。2国际投资条约中环境规则完善的具体措施 国际投资条约中环境规则研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_143833.html
