Abstract The mortgage right is an important part of the guarantee system, which not only guarantees the safety of the market, but also gives full play to the value of things。However, with the rapid development of China's market economy and the real estate industry, the traditional mortgage is unable to meet the needs of today's social financing, so the mortgage registration came into being。 Mortgage registration has now become one of the most important procedures in the financing guarantee system for unfinished buildings including purchased commercial housing , but our law on the mortgage registration provisions is not complete for its unclear concept, nature and legal function etc。。 Therefore, there are different ideas and understandings of the nature and effect of mortgage registration in theory and practice, and of which lead to different judgment in similar cases about mortgage registration。 All in all, this paper will discuss the validity, nature and legal basis of the mortgage notice registration。源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
毕业论文关键词:预告登记; 抵押权; 抵押权预告登记; 效力
Keyword: notice registration; right of pledge ; registration of right of pledge; validity
一、 抵押权预告登记概述 1
(一) 抵押权预告登记的概念 1
(二) 抵押权预告登记的性质 1
(三)抵押权预告登记与抵押权登记的区别 2
二、抵押权预告登记概况 2
(一)在建建筑物抵押权预告登记 2
(二) 预购商品房抵押权预告登记 4
三、抵押权预告登记的法律规定变迁 4
四、将抵押权预告登记纳入预告登记的可行性 4
(一)预告登记制度概述 4
(二)预告登记的效力 5
(三)可行性分析 6
五、抵押权预告登记的效力分析 6
(一)抵押权预告登记的效力 6
(二)抵押权From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766预告登记的优先受偿效力分析 7
六、结语 8
致谢 9
参考文献 10
目前,在我国将在建建筑物或预购商品房抵押贷款的情况屡见不鲜,但是由于在实务中提交抵押物的产权证明是办理抵押权登记的前提,而在建建筑物与预购商品房因其特殊性,暂不具有独立的产权证明,因此实践中为了取得贷款而将在建建筑物或预购商品房抵押的无法办理抵押权登记,只能先办理抵押权预告登记。抵押权预告登记并不等同于抵押权登记,我国《物权法》第180条与第187条规定了在债务人或者第三人对正处于建造中的建筑物享有处分权的前提下,债务人与当事人有权将正在建造的建筑物抵押,而将正在建造的建筑物抵押的应当办理抵押登记,抵押权自登记时设立。《房地产抵押管理办法》中规定了预购商品房贷款抵押与在建建筑物抵押两种抵押类型。但是根据建设部《房屋登记办法》第59条规定,将正在建造的建筑物设定抵押的应当申请在建建筑物抵押权设立登记。然而,由于在建建筑物正处形成之中,在建筑物竣工验收之前其价值与形态都处于不断变化的状态,甚至可能因为某些原因而导致最终不能建成而缺乏特定性。而这种规定既与《物权法》第2条对物权客体特定性的要求相违背,又与《物权法》关于预告登记的规定相矛盾。为了解决这些问题,就要求明确抵押权预告登记的性质、抵押范围与抵押权预告登记的效力。 抵押权预告登记及其效力探析:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_156407.html