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时间:2023-06-08 21:27来源:毕业论文

摘    要股东资格取得的根本要件是履行出资义务。瑕疵出资即其实质要件的残缺,那么能否取得股东资格还需探讨。基于此,本文在认定了瑕疵出资的相关概念后,第二、三、四部分先后进行了瑕疵出资的概述,司法实践考察以及对争议中的各种学说进行了理论分析,从而发现了瑕疵出资人能否获得股东资格与一个国家的公司资本制度息息相关,但是无论实行何种公司资本制的国家,出资都无需与股东资格形成一一对应的关系,并对股东资格以“股份取得”而非“出资取得”达成共识。根据新《公司法》中的资本制改革,实质上是对有限资格说的肯定。表明了在此种制度下,即使是瑕疵出资也可获得股东资格,因此实缴仅仅是形式而非实质。本文第五部分则是概述瑕疵出资对股东资格确认的影响:(1)在严重瑕疵出资的情形下,会导致法人人格否认或股东资格将被解除;(2)在一般瑕疵出资下,不会影响股东资格的取得,只不过股东自益权将会受到影响。89001

Abstract The basic qualification of shareholder qualification is to fulfill the obligation of capital contribution。 Defective capital contribution is the imperfection of its essential elements, so it is necessary to discuss whether it can obtain shareholder qualification。 Based on this, this paper finds the related concepts of defective capital contribution after the second and the three or four part has summarized the judicial practice of the defective capital contribution, and various theories on the controversial theoretical analysis is made to find the defective capital contribution can obtain the shareholder qualification is closely linked with the capital system of a country, but regardless of the implementation of what kind of company capital system of the country, investment need not have a corresponding relationship with the qualification of shareholders, and the shareholders eligible to "share" and "non capital contribution" to reach a consensus。 According to the new "company law" in the capital system reform, in essence, is the affirmation of limited qualifications。 It is indicated that under such a system, even the defective contribution can obtain the shareholder qualification。 The fifth part is an overview of the defective capital contribution of shareholders qualification: (1) in the case of serious defect investment, will lead to the disregard of corporate personality and shareholder qualification will be lifted; (2) in general the defective capital contribution, has not affect the qualification of shareholders, but the shareholders' will be affected。


    Key Word:Defective capital contribution;shareholder qualification;liability for breach of contract;liability for breach of contract;warranty of defect


一、引言 5

二、瑕疵出资的概述 5

(一)瑕疵出资的含义 5

(二)瑕疵出资的分类 5

三、 瑕疵出资股东资格确认的司法实践考察 5

四、瑕疵出资股东资格确认的学理分析 6

(一)主要争论意见 6

1。否定说 7

2。肯定说 7

3。有限资格说 7

(二)主要观点评述 7

1。对否定说的评述 7

2。对肯定说的评述 瑕疵出资股东资格认定研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_174790.html
