摘要: 随着现代城市的不断发展,城管执法活动中出现的问题层出不穷。城管执法没有专门的法律依据,缺乏先进的执法理念,执法方式粗糙,暴力执法、程序违法现象频频发生。此外,城管执法范围模糊、行政自由裁量权过宽等问题都成为了阻碍城管科学执法的拦路虎。为解决此问题,国家应当健全法律体系,城管应当转变执法理念、加强队伍建设,其他相关部门则应完善监督机制。
The existing problems and Reform Exploration of urban management and law enforcement
Abstract: with the continuous development of modern city, urban management and law enforcement activities emerge in an endless stream problems in. Urban management law enforcement there is no legal basis for the lack of specialized, advanced the concept of law enforcement, law enforcement of rough, violent law enforcement, the procedure illegal phenomena occur frequently. In addition, the problem of urban management and law enforcement Scope Ambiguity, administrative discretion is too wide and so on have become the obstacles of urban management law enforcement in the way of science. In order to solve this problem, the state should improve the legal system, urban management should change the concept of law enforcement, and strengthen the team building, and other relevant departments should improve the supervision mechanism.
This paper analyzes the connotation of urban management and law enforcement, the theoretical basis and basic requirements, problems and cause analysis of China's urban management law enforcement, measures to perfect our law enforcement in urban management, urban management and law enforcement, China's future development direction and trend analysis. This paper hopes to make more people pay attention to and added to the urban management law enforcement team, make their own contributions to the development of China's urban management work.
Keywords: urban management; problems; reform; exploration
目 录
摘 要1
(二)城管执法的理论基础 4
城管执法是城市管理的一种具体手段,是城市良好发展的必要条件,但城管执法是一个极其复杂的领域,涉及社会生活和生产的各个层面,与每一公民的权利和义务都有着直接且紧密的联系。作为直接面向老百姓的基层政府管理人员,其行为方式将直接影响民众对政府管理体制的信任和评价,而现阶段我国城市管理中愈演愈烈的暴力执法行为,不仅损害政府形象,而且严重威胁了社会稳定,为群体性突发事件的发生埋下了隐患,同时也与以人为本,构建和谐社会的施政理念背道而驰,使城管执法面临着失效的困境。如何使城管执法能够被大家所认同,是城管执法变成和谐执法,是我们所要共同去努力的。希望通过本文的研究能够使更多的人关注并加入到城管执法的改革发展队伍中,为和谐发展我国法律制度保障做出自己的贡献。 城管执法存在问题及改革探索:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_38357.html