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时间:2019-12-08 21:20来源:毕业论文



 A Discussion on the Cause of Network Mass Disturbance and Its Government Counter-measures


In recent years , as the rapid development of the internet madia in China , Network Mass Disturbance has sttracted public’s attention . Some contingent disturbance happened in little area can also be quickly spreaded on online space and change to be Network Mass Disturbance . China now is in the middle of social transformation period and faced with variety kinds of problems which provieds a chance to the happening of Network Mass Disturbance . At the same time , the spread characteristics of internet media , netizen’s passion for truth has accelerated the process of Network Mass Disturbance . The social monitoring mechanism is not healthy enough , which is liable for the abuse of public poower . Freedom of information and citizen democratic participation still need to be improved . Under this circunmstances , Network Mass Disturbance based on the powerful spreading ability of the internet is of high frequency . Network Mass Disturbance has its sperical characteristics which is blindless . Considering to this , our government should keep an eye on Network Mass Disturbance and take an active to guide network public opinion based on respecting netizen’s opinion . Besides , our government should strengthen self-construction . Only in this way can we promote the healthy development of internet .

Key Words : Network Mass Disturbance ;  Network Monitoring ;  Government Counter-measures ;  Network Public Opinion

目  录




一、网络群体性事件内涵分析 1

(一)网络群体性事件概念界定 1

(二)网络群体性事件分类 1

二、网络群体性事件产生原因分析 2

(一)网络环境的特质给网络群体性事件的产生提供了沃土 2

(二) 网民对于事件真相的探求 3

(三)网络安全管控制度缺陷 4

(四)信息公开制度与民主参与制度不够完善 5

三、政府对网络群体性事件的应对策略 6

(一)必须从战略的高度认识并尊重网络民意的作用 6

(二)对网络群体性事件分类分析 6

(三)政府对网络群体性事件的具体策略 7


近几年来,互联网的发展使得网络群体性事件进入公众视野,越来越引起人们的广泛关注。网络群体性事件是群体性事件的一部分,是伴随网络的兴起产生的,网络群体性事件兼顾了群体性事件和网络媒介的两大特质,已经涉及社会生活的方方面面。社会矛盾的突显、民众开始独立思考、社会转型的困境等都成为政府需要面临的难题。和谐中国需要社会环境的安定有序和网络环境的畅通稳定。政府要对网络群体性事件加以重视和行动。 网络群体性事件成因及政府应对:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_43101.html
