Abstract: There are many deficiencies in marital property in our country. Including common property in a wide range, vagueness in provisions of intellectual property rights of expected benefit, does not make that clear to intangible assets, the unsoundness in promissory property procedure, during the separation of property system is ambiguous . We should take some actions to improve these such as define the inherited or donated property as inpiduals , define clearly that intellectual property rights of expected benefit, build the intangible assets system of common property , improve the regulations of promissory property procedure and define the property system during the separation.
Key words: marital common property system , Intangible assets, intellectual property rights of expected benefit
目 录
1 我国夫妻财产法律制度概述 4
1.1 夫妻财产法律制度概述 4
1.2 我国夫妻财产法律制度的历史沿革 5
2 我国夫妻财产法律制度存在的局限性 6
2.1 夫妻共同财产范围的规定过于宽泛 6
2.2 未明确规定知识产权收益的预期利益 6
2.3 未对无形财产作出明确规定 7
2.4 约定夫妻财产制度不健全 7
2.5 未规定夫妻分居期间的财产制度 8
3 我国夫妻财产法律制度的完善 9
3.1 一方继承或受赠所获财产应归其个人特有 9
3.2 明确规定知识产权的预期利益为共同财产 9
3.3 应在共同财产中增加无形财产制度 9
3.4完善约定夫妻财产制度的法律法规 10
3.5 应增加夫妻分居期间的财产制度 11
结 语 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
1 我国夫妻财产法律制度概述
1.1 夫妻财产法律制度概述
1.1.1 夫妻财产法律制度的涵义
1.1.2 夫妻财产制度的特征
夫妻财产制度和民法意义上的一般财产法律关系不同,它的本质是对夫妻关系维系期间的财产关系进行规范的法律制度。身份性、依附性、非等价性和无偿性以及不可分割性是它的主要特征。 我国夫妻财产法律制度不足及其完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_57075.html