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时间:2022-01-23 10:59来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着科学技术的发展变化,网络渗透了人们生活的方方面面,运用互联网发展经 济已成为经济发展的新手段,网络购物就是一种依托互联网发展经济的典型代表。网 络购物给人们带来便利的同时也带来了一些风险,我们既要看到网络购物的优势,也 不可忽视其带来的问题,并采取正确有效的方式解决问题。网络购物作为新兴事物, 由于其与传统购物方式相比具有其本身的特殊性,故原有对传统购物方式的法律规制 无法充分解决网络购物带来的问题,并且也存在法律空白。2014 年新消费者权益保护 法正是对网络平台购物带来的法律空白进行了补充,本文以网络平台购物中的消费者 权利保护为研究对象,结合目前网络购物带来的挑战以及当前应对现状,分析现有法 律对网络购物规定的不足之处,联系一些学者提出的对策,对完善网络购物消费者权 利保护方面进行有益的探索,并提出一些完善建议,以期对解决网络购物中消费者权 利保护有所裨益,从而为中国梦的实现尽一份绵薄之力。77325

毕业论文关键词 网络平台购物 消费者 权利保护

Title On the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Shopping Network Platform

Abstract With the development of science and technology, especially in the ever-changing age of the Internet is staggering, the network permeates every aspect of people's lives, online shopping is in such an environment。 Dialectical materialism contradiction universal, everything any internal contradictions, to use the dialectical unity of viewpoint problems。 We must see the advantages of online shopping, we can not ignore the problems it brings and take correct and effective way to solve the problem。 The disadvantage of the law that is a little lag, society is evolving and in order to maintain the authority of the law, will not be changed, resulting in law lags behind the development of society。 Online shopping as a new thing, because it compared with the traditional way of shopping has its own particularity, it is the traditional way to shop original legal regulation can not fully address the problems caused by online shopping, and there are legal gaps。 In this paper, in order to protect the rights of consumers shopping network platform for the study, combined with online shopping as well as the problems caused by the current status of protection of the rights, contact the relevant laws and regulations and experience some scholars put forward recommendations on improving the online shopping consumer protection rights aspects useful exploration, and made a number of recommendations aimed to solve the online shopping consumer rights protection benefit, so as to realize the Chinese  dream of humble heart。

Keywords      online shopping      consumer      protection of rights

本 科 毕 业 论   文 第 I 页

1。引言 1

2。网络购物带来的挑战 3

2。1 网络购物的特殊性 3

2。2 网络购物带来的挑战 4

3。网络购物消费者权利保护的当前应对 6

3。1 网络购物 7 日内无理由退货 6

3。2 加强网络平台提供者责任 6

3。3 加强消费者个人信息保护 7

4。网络购物消费者权利保护的完善路径 网络平台购物中的消费者权利保护:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_88872.html
