关键词 音乐著作权 集体管理 音著协 延伸性管理
Title The Improvement of the Music Copyright Collective Management System
In today's society, the music industry is developing rapidly, there is a security problem of music copyright causing people’s concern. Implementation of the system of collective management of copyright in our country, from the reason and operation, this system suits to China's national conditions, and is welcomed by the China’s copyright people.But at the same time, from the analysis of the foreign similar system and the actual case, we find that the development of this system is still not perfect, and there are still many shortcomings and disputes.. This paper focuses on the analysis of the “extended management”of the non member copyright owner. Sound assist impossible will be massive music works are registered.For non-member work implementation “extension management”is necessary,but it should be through changing the pattern of the sources of rights,respect for the legitimate rights and interests of copyright owner of the non-member,protecting the legitimate interests of the users of the work,establish a special extension of collective management organization fesibility method to solve the problems caused by “extension of management”,and make music works copyright collective management system to mature.
Keywords Music Copyright,Collective Administration,The Association for the collective management of music copyright, Extended management
目 次
1 引言 2
2 音乐著作权集体管理制度中的“延伸性管理” 3
2.1 音乐著作权集体管理制度中“延伸性管理”的定义 3
2.2 对非会员音乐作品实施“延伸性管理”的合理性 3
2.3 现阶段实施“延伸性管理”所引发的问题 4
3 音著协“延伸性管理”所引发问题的成因7
3.1 制度层面成因 7
3.2 内部成因 8
4 域外类似制度比较研究 10
4.1 日本透明民主的著作权集体管理模式10
4.2 美国成熟高效地著作权集体管理制度10
4.3 加拿大音乐著作权集体管理的争议解决机制11
5 完善“延伸性管理”模式的本土化措施 12
5.1 更改音著协“延伸性管理”的权利来源模式12
5.2 尊重非会员著作权人的合法权益12
5.3 保护作品使用者的合法利益13
5.4 建立专门的延伸性集体管理组织13
1 引言
当今社会,经济发展迅速,人们的精神需求也随之快速提高。现代文化产业越来越受到关注,其中音乐产业成为了不能被忽视的一部分。随着音乐产业的发展,关于音乐的权益保障问题受到越来越多的关注。具体说来,中国音乐著作权保护备受重视。2012年3月31日国家版权局就《中华人民共和国著作权法》(修改草案)公开征求意见。那日公布的草案引起热议,甚至招致音乐界的强烈声讨。其中有关音乐著作权集体管理的条例更是备受争议,延伸性管理所引发的矛盾进一步激化。当时草案颁布所引发的轩然大波,体现出我国著作权人的著作权意识有了极大提高,但同时也反映出我国的音乐著作权集体管理制度建设任重而道远。 论音乐著作权集体管理制度之完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_20119.html