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时间:2022-05-29 11:18来源:毕业论文



A Study on Marriage in Rural Areas - A Case Study of Shangfeng Township, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

Abstract:The situation in which the village was established by marriage was a long time, and the family had played a great role in the rural spouse, which should arouse the concern of the whole society。 In this paper, the local people and the local environment, the ecological environment, conducted a field visit and field investigation, the study group to make a detailed portrait, lists the typical case, to explore the Huizhou culture on the local trade and marriage have a certain impact The analysis of the causes of the existence of the marriage behind the existence of the relevant analysis, and its harm to the family and the economic society to explore and discuss the comprehensive analysis and discussion, combined with relevant literature, to reduce and stop this Issues related to the proposal: from the government, society and inpidual three points to find a solution path。

Keywords: Trading marriage;Huizhou Area;Pass the line;Rural


一、绪论 5

(一) 研究缘由 5

1、 研究背景和目的 5

2、 研究意义 6

3、 研究方法 6

4、 买卖婚姻概念解释 7

(二) 相关文献综述 8

1、 国外研究现状 8

2、 国内研究现状 8

二、 买卖婚姻对社会和家庭的影响 9

(一) 对家庭带来的影响 9

1、 给农村家庭带来了沉重的经济负担 9

2、 给买卖婚姻结合的男女双方带来巨大生活压力 9

3、 给家庭关系不和睦留下隐患 9

4、 儿童教育问题 10

(二) 给社会带来的影响 10

1、 给社会风气造成不好的影响 10

2、 造成社会关系的不和谐 10

三、 农村买卖婚姻问题的探析 11

(一) 调查地点的基本信息 11

1、 地理环境 11

2、 历史沿革 12 农村买卖婚姻问题的研究以安徽省黄山市为例:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_94494.html
