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时间:2016-12-15 21:29来源:毕业论文

关键词: 典雅大方;现代时尚;现浇混凝土框架结构;井字梁楼盖
Shanghai Green Burton Commercial Center Architectural And Structural Design
The topic of this design is based on a project of one Shanghai First Class Architectural Design Institute, including architectural design and structural design of two parts. Building layers of high 5.5m, standard layers of height of 4.2m, a total of five, roof is no one on the roof. The project is set office, business, dining and entertainment in one of the commercial real estate project is required to set shop, yoga studio, casual cafe-bar, restaurant, office space and so on. Committed to the commercial business and entertainment for the integrated, a total of five of the design, the next three on the function is defined as shopping malls, the progressive slashing on two floors are arranged as office space.Structured architectural features of a successful blend of two distinct functional areas. Business will also promote the development of commercial consumption.
Structure form the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the roof and floor cast-in-site type structure. Floor layout forms of the ribbed beams floor.
Key words: Elegant; Modern fashion; In-situ concrete frame structure; ribbed beams floor
目  录
[摘要]    0
第1章 建筑设计    1
 1.1 设计依据    1
 1.2 设计要求    1
 1.3商业中心的建筑设计    2
   1.3.1 工程概况    2
   1.3.2 方案设计    2
第2章 结构设计    5
 2.1 设计依据    5
 2.2 设计要求    6
 2.3 结构方案    6
   2.3.1 结构选型    6
   2.3.2 结构布置    7
   2.3.3 基础形式    7
 2.4 主要材料    7
   2.4.1 混凝土强度等级    7
   2.4.2 钢材    7
   2.4.3 钢筋接头形式    8
   2.4.4 混凝土保护层厚度    8
   2.4.5 围护结构及隔墙    8
 2.5 梁、板、柱截面选择    8
第3章 荷载计算    10
 3.1 竖向荷载计算    10
   3.1.1 永久荷载计算    10
   3.1.2 可变荷载统计    11
   3.1.3 梁自重    11
   3.1.4 柱自重    12
   3.1.5 线荷载计算    12
第4章 结构电算    19
 4.1 建筑结构总信息    19
 4.2 周期地震力与振型输出文件    29
 4.3 位移输出文件    38
 4.4 结构电算小结    42 五层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构商业中心建筑与结构设计和CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_1016.html