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时间:2022-11-06 09:35来源:毕业论文

摘要随着信息技术的迅速发展,我国招标体系日益完善。在招投标过程中,招标文 件是重要的法律文件,其包含了招标过程的时间安排、项目的技术标准和各项交易条 件。在整个编制过程中,工程量清单的编制占有重要位置。但传统的工程量计算是由 造价人员纯手工计算,不仅费时费力,还会因各种人为因素及客观因素导致工程量计 算不准确,进而导致招标控制价的编制出现问题。因此需要利用信息技术来构建模型, 进而快速准确地计算工程量并计价。85098

本文首先分析了传统招标文件编制过程中的局限性,研究了传统工程量计算及计 价的特点,引出了 BIM 技术在招标造价控制方面的应用。其次经过分析和整合资料, 对基于 BIM 的工程量计量和计价进行分析,得出 BIM 用于招标控制价编制的优势。最 后利用广联达算量及计价软件完成了对招标控制价编制,基于工程概况和特点、工程 量清单、各项合同条款完成招标文件。

本研究成果有利于提高当前工程招标的效率,也有利于减少因工程量的偏差导致 后续施工过程中出现的工程变更、索赔等问题,有一定的理论和实际价值。


Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, the bidding system in our country is becoming more and more perfect。 In the bidding process, the bidding document is an important legal document, which includes the time arrangement of the bidding process, the technical standard of the project and the terms of the transaction。 Throughout the preparation process, the preparation of the project quantity list occupies an important position。 But traditional engineering quantity calculation is calculated by the cost of pure manual, not only time-consuming and laborious, but also because of a variety of human factors and objective factors lead to engineering and the inaccurate calculation, thus leading to the tender control price compilation problems。 Therefore, it is needed to use information technology to build a model, and then quickly and accurately calculate the amount of the project and valuation。

This paper first analyzes the limitations of the traditional bidding document preparation process, and studies the characteristics of the traditional engineering quantity calculation and valuation, and leads to the application of BIM technology in the bidding cost control。 Followed by the analysis and integration of information, based on the BIM of the engineering measurement and valuation analysis, draw the BIM for the tender control price of the advantages of the preparation。 Finally, the use of glodon quantity and pricing software completed the preparation of tender control price, based on the general situation of the project and the characteristics, engineering quantity list, the contract terms completed bidding documents。

The results are beneficial to improve the efficiency of the current project bidding, to reduce the subsequent construction process of engineering changes and claims caused due to deviation of engineering quantity, have certain theoretical and practical value。

Keywords: Bill of quantities; Tender control price; BIM;Bidding documents

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景及意义 1

1。1。1 研究背景 1

1。1。2 研究意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 研究内容及方法 3

1。3。1 研究内容 江科大实验楼BIM综合运用基于BIM的招标文件的编制:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_101638.html
