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时间:2018-05-28 21:08来源:毕业论文

    毕业设计的题目为12所选线路金兰路站暖通空调系统设计,车站公共通风和空调系统(以下简称大系统)采用全空气系统,车站设备管理使用的房间的通风和空调系统(以下简称小系统)采用风机盘管加新风系统。在一般情况下,整个空气系统具有以下优点:1,有特殊的滤波部分,具有较强的空气除湿和空气过滤能力的能力; 2,交货,通风,空气污染小; 3,在春季和秋季过渡季节可实现全新鲜空气的操作,节省能源; 4,空调在机房,操作,文护方便,能够充分的空气过滤; 5,少产生振动和噪声传播的问题。风机盘管加新风系统具有以下优点:1,控制灵活,具有个别控制的优越性,可以调节灵活的室温下,根据房间风机盘管的启停的具体用法; 2,风机盘管机组体积小,占地面积小,布置和安装方便的区域,适用于旧楼改造; 3,容易实现的分布式控制系统,可根据房间冷,热负荷,目的和使用时间来控制系统分为几个分区,如分布式控制的执行情况。23435
    车站公共区和负载和详细计算每个房间新风负荷的设计。空调冷负荷为343.16千瓦,冷负荷指标的设计是136.3瓦/㎡,中冷水机组的计划,选择水冷半封闭双螺杆冷水机组。螺杆冷水机机组选择重庆通用工业(集团)有限公司LSBLG系列水冷半封闭双螺杆式冷水机组,两套模型LSBLG430。全空气系统组合式空调机组的公共区域做了两个表2 KS系列组合式空调机组。通过鸿业负荷计算手负荷计算软件计算,并再次检查。对于空气调节设备,泵的选型,相关的选择水力计算提供完整和准确的依据。论文网
 Design General Information
  Subway station, a common buildings in many cities, is a kind of typical public buildings,  with the development of economic, the number and the total of the construction area has grown rapidly. Air conditioning system creates a comfortable environment. At the same time, also waste large amounts of energy. According to the survey of public buildings, a quarter of building energy consumption for air conditioning and the average energy consumption of central air conditioning system in our country is about accounting for 50% of the whole building energy consumption. As public buildings, high energy consumption of the HVAC system energy efficiency has great potential to achieving energy conservation and playing an important role to emissions reduction and far-reaching significance.
  The graduation design topic is line12 Jinlan road station HVAC system. The station public ventilation and air conditioning system adopts full air system, station equipment management USES a room ventilation and air conditioning system adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air system. In general, the entire air system has the following advantages: 1, Having special filtering section and strong ability of air dehumidification and air filtration ability; 2, Delivery, ventilation and air pollution is small; 3, In the spring and autumn,it can realize full fresh air operation and save energy; 4, Air conditioner,in engine rooms,is able to fully air filtration; 5, less vibration and noise propagation problems. Fan coil plus fresh air system has the following advantages: 1, Flexible control, the superiority of the inpidual control, can adjust the room temperature of flexible, according to the specific usage of room fan coil start-stop; 2, Fan coil unit covers a small area, convenient and suitable for the reconstruction of the old buildings; 3, Easy to realize the distributed control system, purpose and use time to control the system which is pided into several partitions at cold and hot load,, such as the implementation of distributed control. 地铁站暖通空调系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_16485.html