
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-05-08 21:51来源:95324




Abstract:Through the collation of existing data,relatively complete hydrological, meteorological, geological, geomorphic and economic data are obtained.Then through the analysis and planning of data, The feasibility study, structural design and construction organization design are carried out.

This design mainly carries on the design to the wharf structure. The wharf structure is determined as Gravity Caisson Structure (without unloading plate) through two kinds of comparison schemes. Through the selection of the structure form and the determination of the contour size, the calculation of force standard value, load analysis, wharf stability checking, caisson floating stability calculation, checking calculation of caisson reinforcement and crack width are carried out. The seismic intensity of this port area is 6 degrees. There is no need to calculate the seismic earth pressure and inertial force and check the accidental condition. Finally,the completion of the construction of the wharf organization design. This design follows the standard strictly, and refers to the professional books and the current textbooks. It is a comprehensive application of the professional knowledge and the basic courses that have been studied in the past.

Keyword:wharf structure calculation; caisson; starting construction to organize the design

第一章文献综述 7

第二章设计资料 10

2.1自然条件 10

2.1.1地理位置 10

2.1.2气象资料 10

2.1.3水文资料 11

2.1.4地形、地貌及工程地质 14

2.2港口规模 16

2.3作业天数 16

2.4原始设计资料的分析 17

2.4.1潮位资料分析 17

2.4.2波浪资料分析 17

2.4.3风资料分析 18

2.4.4气象资料分析 18

2.4.5地质资料分析 18

第三章港口平面布置 20

3.1总平面的布置概要 20

3.2工程建设地点与功能 20

3.3设计船型资料 20

3.4码头泊位数计算 20

3.4.1泊位设计通过能力 20

3.4.2泊位数的确定 21

3.5码头总平面布置方案 营口港鲅鱼圈区一港池散货码头结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203710.html
