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时间:2024-09-28 22:17来源:97551



本次设计采用沉箱结构,通过自然条件确定码头构件尺寸。并且依据相关规范和资料,对沉箱结构进行了一系列的设计,其中包括抗滑,抗倾稳定性验算,地基承载力和浮游稳定性验算,内力计算,配筋等内容。关键词:重力式码头 沉箱结构 平面布置 码头设计

Abstract:The design for dalian port local natural conditions, geological material, form data, construction environment and conditions such as project summary, has carried on the gravity to its port 10000 tons terminal wharf structure design and the planning of general layout and arrangement.

Dalian port is an important part of dalian, which is an important guarantee for optimizing port layout and realizing sustainable development. Port design is an important part of port engineering. The quality of construction of port works and the quality of construction depends on his rationality and scientific nature. The excellent design of harbor not only has the characteristics of safety, economy and practical design, but also embodies the spirit of innovation. Port design needs to know a large number of specification and design principle, so the port design process is also in the process of continuous learning and enhance cognitive ability, practice and learning plays an important role in the future.

The design adopts the caisson structure and determines the dimension of the quay by natural conditions. And, according to the related specification and data of caisson structure conducted a series of design, including the anti-sliding and anti-inclining stability calculation, the foundation bearing capacity and stability calculation, internal force calculation, reinforcement, etc.

Key words: Gravity wharf Caisson structure Dock layout Port Design


第一章 绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.2可行性研究 1

1.3设计目的和意义 1

1.4设计内容 2

第二章 设计资料 3

2.1船型资料 3

2.2水文资料 3

2.2.1设计水位 3

2.2.2设计波浪 3

2.2.3设计风速和设计水流流速 3

2.3地质资料 4

2.4气象 4

2.5地震资料 5

2.6材料重度标准值 5

2.7施工条件及材料供应情况 5

2.7.1施工的条件 5

2.7.2材料的供应 大连港1万吨码某矿石专用码头设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204750.html
