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时间:2019-10-11 20:52来源:毕业论文

 Abstract Through the measurement of underground mining engineering measurement, Tunnel engineering survey, the project investment is large, so through high quality requirements become an important link.  In order to ensure the work through measuring a reasonable through measurement programme, To meet the requirements of production design, not only for low accuracy loss caused by engineering, Can not blindly pursue high precision and increase the workload, the waste of manpower and material resources. So the development through the measurement scheme, Must be error prediction, Select the optimal penetration plan.
In this paper, through large tunnel engineering based on, According to the design of Surveying and mapping instruments existing at least three through scheme, To determine the various parameters according to the error measuring method and instrument, Then the error prediction. According to the expected error, determined to meet the requirements of the project through the project, In precision, The size of the workload, The difficulty of the job, Considering the economic determine an optimal scheme through.
Keywords: Roadway expedite, Error is expected to plan, through optimization.
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
1  绪  论    1
1.1概述    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3主要研究内容和技术路线    2
2贯通工程概况及测量工作主要任务    3
2.1贯通工程概况    3
2.2测量任务及说明    5
3贯通误差预计方法    6
3.1一井内巷道贯通测量误差预计    6
3.2两井间巷道贯通误差预计    7
4贯通方案设计与误差估算    9
4.1 贯通方案的设计    9
4.1.1测量方案A    9
4.1.2误差预计参数的确定    10
4.1.3误差预计导线设计与误差预计元素量算    11
4.1.4贯通测量误差预计    13
4.1.5方案A误差预计结果分析    15
4.2贯通方案B及误差预计    16
4.2.1贯通方案B的设计    16
4.2.2井下陀螺定向边的选择与布设要求    18
4.2.3仪器使用及观测精度要求    18
4.2.4贯通误差预计与误差预计元素量算    18
4.2.5 贯通方案B误差预计结果分析    20
4.3贯通方案C及误差预计    21
4.3.1贯通方案C设计误差预计    21
4.3.2方案C误差预计结果分析    21
4.4 三种方案的比较分析    21 大型巷道贯通误差预计方案的优化设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_40557.html