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时间:2019-10-17 20:43来源:毕业论文
设计总说明:本次消防设计的对象为汽车枢纽站,基地位于某市京沪高铁 xx 东站站前广场南侧, 马鞍山大道与项玉路交叉口。 总用地面积为38062.9m2, 总建筑面积为34147.30m2,地上建筑面

设计总说明:本次消防设计的对象为汽车枢纽站,基地位于某市京沪高铁 xx 东站站前广场南侧, 马鞍山大道与项玉路交叉口。 总用地面积为38062.9m2, 总建筑面积为34147.30m2,地上建筑面积为 33576.66m2,地下建筑面积为 570.64m2。设计的主要内容包括:①建筑分类和耐火等级说明。②建筑总平面布置和平面防火设计。③建筑安全疏散设计、计算。④建筑室内装修材料的选择说明⑤室内、外消火栓消防系统计算和说明。⑥自动喷水灭火系统计算和说明。⑦灭火器配置计算和说明。⑧建筑防排烟设计、计算及说明。⑨火灾自动报警系统设计及说明。本设计对象为多层民用建筑,耐火等级为二级。设计对象与周边其他建筑物之间的防火间距符合相关规定,总站房周围设置环形消防车道。每一层为一个防火分区,中庭、楼梯间和风井为独立的防火分区。确定疏散总人数为 1038人。总站房一层安全疏散门宽度为:85.8m,二层安全疏散门宽度为:7.5m,三层安全疏散门宽度为:7.5m,四层安全疏散门宽度为:4.5m。确定疏散安全出口的数量共有 73个。确定采用封闭楼梯间最远点的疏散距离是二三层南面走廊到疏散楼梯的距离为 37.6m。对室内装修的火灾危险性做了分析, 以及确定对各部分和房间的装修材料的燃烧性能等级和确定具体使用的装修材料。确定灭火器配置场所的危险等级为严重危险级。火灾类型有 A类火灾和 E 类火灾危险,从而选择手提式磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器。通过计算单元的保护面积和半径确定共需要65 具5kg 手提式MF/ABC5 灭火器。确定室外消火栓采用 4个地上式室外消火栓,栓口直径为 100mm 和两个65mm;室内消火栓采用 9mm 水枪、65mm 衬胶水带和 65mm 消火栓水龙头,管道的布置为环状。通过水力计算确定选用有效容积为 18m3的消防水箱和有效容积为676.728m3两个独立使用的消防水池和一台 XBD5/150-250型号消防泵。通过确定火灾危险等级为中危险级 I级,采用湿式自动喷水灭火系统。故管网采用环状管网,进水方式采用中央末端进水方式。通过数据计算确定计算面积内的喷头数为 15个,选用两台 XBD4/15-80型号消防泵。《建规》和综合实际情况考虑确定排烟方式选用机械排烟和自然排烟。通过计算排烟量确定排烟口的尺寸为 2300mm×2000mm、风管的尺寸为2500mm×4000mm。选用型号为FBCDZ-12-32的风机。通过确定保护对象为一级。确定采用控制中心报警系统。通过各类探测器的使用范围选择感烟探测器。通过感烟探测器的保护半径和保护面积确定探测区域的探测器数量为一层 75 个、二层 51 个、三层 54 个和四层 47 个。41096
毕业论文关键词: 多层建筑;汽车站;消防设计;安全疏散;消火栓系统;自动喷水灭火系统
Automobile Hub Station Fire Protection DesignDesign general description: the object of the fire control design for car hub station, xx stationbase is located in the city the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway station square south, ma onshan road and jade road intersection. Total land area of 38062.9 m2, with a total constructionarea of 34147.30 m2, construction area of 33576.66 m2 on the ground, underground constructionarea of 570.64 m2.Design the main contents include: (1) building classification and fire resistance rating. (2)the construction general layout and fire prevention design. (3) construction safety evacuationdesign and calculation. (4) the choice of construction interior decoration materials that (5)calculation and indoor and outdoor fire hydrant fire system. 6. Calculation and automaticsprinkler system. All landowners calculation and fire extinguisher configuration. End upbuilding smoke exhaust design, calculation and illustration. Pet-name ruby automatic fire alarmsystem design and illustration.This design objects for the multilayer civil building, fire resistance rating for level 2.Design objects and the surrounding fire separation between other buildings conform to therelevant provisions, terminal room set up around the ring fire lane.Each layer as a fire partition, atrium, stairwells and wind well for independent fire zone.To determine the evacuation for the total number of 1038 people. Station house to a layerof safety evacuation door width: 85.8 m, 2 safety evacuation door width is: 7.5 m, three layerfor safe evacuation door width: 7.5 m, four levels of safety evacuation door width is: 4.5 m.Determine the number of evacuation exit a total of 73. Determination by enclosed stairwayapogee travel distance is the distance between two or three layers of the south corridor to theevacuation stair is 37.6 m.Analyzed the fire risk of interior decoration, and determine the decoration materials ofevery part and room combustion performance level and determine the specific use of decorationmaterials.The threat level to determine the fire extinguisher configuration places for serious dangerlevel. Fire type has A class A fire and E class fire danger, and choosing portable ammoniumphosphate dry powder fire extinguishers. Determined by the radius of the protection area of thecell and need 65 5 kg portable MF/ABC5 fire extinguisher. 汽车枢纽站消防设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_41047.html