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时间:2020-07-19 13:25来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:框架结构,抗震鉴定,加固 ,PKPM分析

Abstract The seismic qualification is through the existing building design, construction quality and the status quo, in accordance with the prescribed requirements for seismic resistance, to assess its security under seismic action. The subject two-stage identification method, inspection and construction materials testing, the seismic measures identified PKPM modeling and analysis and seismic capacity checking and other content meets seismic requirements, find building security risks and propose appropriate maintenance, reinforcement measures,in order to protect the life and property of the residents. The seismic qualification of the house from the housing height and the number of layers the wall actual strength of the material, structural system reasonable, the reliability of the main components of the integrity of the connection structure, the reliability of the connection of the local vulnerability member and with the main structure and seismic bearingforce checking requirements and other aspects of a comprehensive assessment. This article describes a brick structure housing quality detected and the main content of the seismic qualification, method, calculation software structural seismic checking the reinforcement processing methods,Such as increasing the cross-section method, bonded steel reinforcement method, prestressed reinforcement steel reinforcement methods and other techniques.

Keywords: Framework,Seismic qualification,Reinforcement,PKPM 

目  录

绪论 1

第一章 行政楼抗震鉴定报告 3

1.1基本信息 3

1.2 抗震措施鉴定 20

1.2.1.场地 20

1.2.2.地基和基础 20

1.2.3.多层钢筋混凝土房屋 22

1.3.抗震承载力验算 23

1.3.1.影响系数 24

1.3.2.框架柱验算 24

1.3.3.框架梁验算 25

1.4.PKPM建模及分析 35

1.4.1.PKPM建模 35

1.4.2.SATWE结果分析 37

1.5. 抗震鉴定结论 85

第二章 楼梯设计 86

2.1.设计参数: 86

2.2.楼梯计算简图: 86

2.3.楼梯板计算: 86

2.3.1. 荷载计算: 9层行政楼抗震鉴定+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_56515.html
