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时间:2020-09-26 14:50来源:毕业论文

摘要:本设计严格依据任务书与相应规范进行,其桥型主要适用于城市高架梁桥。设计要求的区段沿线地貌单一,地形平坦。此次设计的桥型方案为简支箱梁梁。其跨径为 30 米,桥宽为8.1m。本桥所采取的平面线形为直线,桥面横坡为2.0%。57198




毕业论文关键词:上部结构; 预应力;内力;截面强度;内力组合

Design  of  South bridge  extension  of  Shanghai  Metro  Line  5  elevated  bridge

Abstract: This bridge is applicable to the main standard of city viaduct bridge. The proposed site is a single, relatively flat terrain. This design is made up of 1 span simply supported girder span 30 meters,and the wide is 8.1m. A straight horizontal alignment of the bridge, deck cross slope of 2.0%.

   According to the data developed,I designed three programs:T concrete

continuous beam bridge, large span arch bridge, and concrete box girder bridge.Concrete continuous beam bridge is the recommended program.

   Through the program of program selection,  program three : concrete box girder bridge is the best program, its aperture arrangement is 30m and Main beam internal forces calculated.Using computer calculation combined with the hand count to check each other. Using computer calculation to get  the final results. Combing of internal forces is completed, the tendon was estimated and configuration. Recommended steel beam in accordance with the uniform, scattered and arranged to consider the principles of anchorage in the size of the upper and lower plate and the web. After completion of five prestress loss calculation, the composition and the effective prestress, prestress loss calculation, calculation and checking the section strength and the limit state checking a special section just take the time to calculate.

     In the course of design,computer software application makes the calculation process easier while increasing the proficiency of Midas, Autocad and other software.

     [Key word] : Superstructure;  prestressed; Internal Force; Section strength; Internal Force combination


1 绪论 ... 1

1.1 设计的目的与要求 . 1

1.1.1 目的 1

1.1.2 要求 1

1.2 国内外研究现状与水平  1

1.3 箱形梁桥的特点 ..... 2

2 桥梁结构方案评选.... 3

2.1 设计资料 ..... 3

2.1.1 设计题目 .. 3

2.1.2 工程概况 .. 3

2.1.3 设计标准 .. 3

2.2 方案拟定 ..... 3

2.2.1 构思宗旨 .. 3

2.2.2 比选标准 .. 3

2.3方案比选  4

2.4方案选择 . 7

3 推荐方案简介及结构尺寸拟定 7

3.1 推荐方案简介 ... 7

3.2 结构尺寸拟定 ... 7

3.2.1 箱梁截面尺寸拟定 .... 7

3.2.2桥梁主要材料选用 .... 8

4 主梁内力计算.... 10

4.1 主梁单元划分 ..10 上海轨道交通南桥延伸段高架桥梁设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_61795.html
