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时间:2021-01-01 22:16来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  全空气系统  风机盘管独立新风  


Title  Guilin, an administrative office building air conditioning design

Abstract The design is an administrative building in Guilin air conditioning system design. This building is including conference rooms, offices, restrooms, office lobby is equal to one of the multi-functional building with a total construction area of 19000m2, building height of 15.3m, building a total of six, five on the ground, basement. Refrigeration room to build an additional cooling Tabb placed in five roofs. Floor main file room, office lobby, function rooms and office seating entertainment room (chess room, gym, etc.), two to five mainly for the administrative offices. This special area of fundamental architectural characteristics of the various different functions in different buildings in different forms to be designed to achieve maximum comfort and to meet energy-saving.

Keywords  Full air system    Separate fresh air fan coil


1  绪论 1

2 原始资料 1

2.1气象参数 1

3、负荷计算 2

3.1夏季逐时冷负荷计算公式 2

3.1.1外墙和屋面瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 2

3.1.2内围护结构冷负荷 2

3.1.3玻璃窗瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 3

3.1.4透过外玻璃窗日射得热引起的冷负荷 3

3.1.5照明散热形成的冷负荷 3

3.1.6人体散热形成的冷负荷 4

3.2热负荷计算公式 5

3.2.1围护结构的基本耗热量和附加耗热量 5

3.3新风负荷计算公式 5

4  空调水系统的确定 7

4.1  分类 7

5.风系统的选择 8

6  空调全空气系统新风量的确定 10

7.空调机的选择 12

8.1风机盘管的选择计算 12

8.1.1风机盘管的选择计算 12

8.1.2风机盘管的布置 13

8.2新风机组的布置 14

9.1风系统水利计算 14

9.1.1计算方法 14

9.1.2系统风管道的水力计算举例 14

9.2风口布置 17

9.3风管的布置及附件: 18

10 水系统水利计算 桂林市某行政大楼空调系统设计方案:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_67598.html
