摘 要 拟建润州创业园项目,位于镇江丹徒大道北侧,东侧为润兴路。本次设计的为该项目地下车库基坑支护设计,基坑面积约 3400 平方米,围护周长约 260 米。 综合考虑地质、环境、挖深等诸方面因素,考虑到邻近坑边有多条道路,为确保安全,以“变形”控制设计为主。本着“安全可靠、经济合理、技术可行、方便施工”的原则,确定支护结构形式如下: (1)东侧临近国土办公楼,采用锚拉灌注桩支护,灌注桩直径 800@1000; (2)南侧采用 1:0.7 自然放坡挂网喷浆; (3)西侧及北侧采用 1:0.3 放坡土钉墙支护; (4)坑内采用明沟+集水井排水。 通过手算结果与理正深基坑 7.0 的电算结果进行比较从而确定最终方案,绘出基坑支护的平面布置图,各个剖面的剖面详图,及其各个部件的细节。 61822
毕业论文关键词:支护方案,锚拉灌注桩支护, 放坡土钉墙支护,施工组织设计
Abstract Proposing Foundation Pit Supporting Design of Runzhou Innovation Park,is located in the north side of Zhenjiang Dantu Avenue, the east side is the Runzhou road.The design of the project for the foundation pit support design of underground garage,The area of this foundation pit is about 3400 square meters, The building envelope perimeter is about 260 meters. The integrated engineering geology, environment and many other factors that determine a safe and reliable support program: Considering the number of roads near the pit, to ensure safety, the "distortion" control design based. In the "safe, reliable, economical, technically feasible, to facilitate the construction" principle, Determine the structure of the supporting structure as follows: (1) On the east side is near the homeland office building, the construction unit use anchor rod with caisson pile to support,the diameter of the caisson pile is 800mm@1000; (2) On the south side put to use 1:0.7 natural sloping shotcrete with wire mesh; (3) On the west side and the north side put to use 1:0.3 slope with the soil nailing support; (4) The inside of the foundation ditch put to use alum-carmine stain and sump pit stain. By manual calculation results and Lizheng 7.0 computerization results were compared to determine the final plan,draw the layout plan of foundation pit support,sectional drawing of each profile,and the details of each component.
Keywords:Supporting scheme,Anchor rod with caisson pile to support,Slope with the soil nailing support,Construction management plan
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 基坑支护工程发展方向 5
1.3 目前深基坑支护存在的主要问题 6
1.4 毕业设计的主要内容 6
第二章 基坑工程概况 . 8
2.1 基坑工程概况. 8
2.1.1 工程概况. 8
2.1.2 基坑概况. 8
2.1.3 基坑周围环境. 8
2.2 工程地质概况 . 9
第三章 基坑支护方案 11
3.1 设计原则 11
3.2 设计基本要求 11
3.3 设计依据 12
3.4 支护方案的选择与比较 12
3.4.1 本工程可以采用的支护方案 12
3.4.2 方案选择 14
第四章 围护方案设计计算 15
4.1 基坑围护设计说明 15
4.1.1 地质计算参数 15
4.1.2 计算区段的划分 15 润州创业园基坑支护设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_67794.html